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Southeast Asian Affairs 2006.4
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Southeast Asian Affairs


A Quarterly Journal


                                No.4, Dec.2006





The 10th National Congress of Vietnamese Communist Party: Achievements and Inspirations                              

       Liang Zhi-ming (1)

Transition of Thai Party System to one Party Autocracy       

    Zhang Xi-Zhen(9)

Exploration for the Actions of Charter Change and Anti-Charter Change in the Philippines            

            Shen Hong-fang, Li Xiao-qing (14)

The 10th National Congress of Vietnamese Communist Party Pushes the Socialist Development Road with Vietnamese Characteristics through Theoretical Renovation

              Cai Peng-hong (22)

Evaluation of the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia          

                       Yang Cui-bai (28)

Southeast Asian Countries’ Arms Expansion and Its Influence on the Disputes over South China Sea                            

    Lu Ming-hui(35)

SAARC-ASEAN Ecnomic Ties: Limitations & Leverages                  

                                       [India] Swaran SINGH(43)

Sino-ASEAN Trade in the Context of Regional Integration: A Political-Economic Explanation                           

   Wang Yu-zhu(53)

Archives of the Chinese Council in Batavia and the Actuality of Related Studies       

                                                                                                            Nie De-ning(63)

Abolition of the Opium Farm in Java at the end of the Nineteenth Century      

                                                                                                         Shen Yan-qing(71)

Myanmar Nationalist Elite’s Exploration for National Development Road before Independence                                                                                  Li Chen-yang(77)

Shuinsen Trade between Japan and Southeast Asia during the Period of the Tokugawa Shogunate                                                 You Jian-she, Wu Pei-jun(88)

Analysis of Sino=French Joint Delimitation of the Guangdong Section in Sion-Vietnamese Boundary                                                                                            Peng Qiao-hong(96)

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