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Introduction to the Library more...

固顶文章Professor Medhi Krongkaew donated two books to the Library of Resea...12-20
固顶文章Prof. Felipe M. de Leon, Jr., Chairman of National Commission for C...12-09
固顶文章The Consul General of the Consulate General of the Republic of the ...10-18
固顶文章Acknowledgement of the donation of Dr. Paul H. Kratoska07-19
固顶文章Opening Hours & Contact us07-23
固顶文章About the library07-23
Bibliography Search more...

固顶文章New catalogued English books (July 17, 2024)07-19
固顶文章New catalogued English books (October 26, 2023)11-01
固顶文章New catalogued English books (Nov. 29, 2022)12-02
固顶文章Bibliography Search to Library of CSEAS, XMU07-18
固顶文章New catalogued English books (October 19, 2021)10-29
固顶文章New catalogued English books (July 15, 2016)07-18
固顶文章New catalogued Japanese books (Dec. 18, 2015)04-18
固顶文章New catalogued Japanese books (Nov. 17, 2015)04-18
List of Journals more...

固顶文章New catalogued foreign language journals (Nov.,2017)12-08
固顶文章New subsrcibed Journals in foreign languages (2014)02-18
固顶文章Newspaper collection in foreign languages12-18
固顶文章New catalogued English books (May 13, 2013)05-13
固顶文章New subsrcibed Journals in foreign languages (2011)07-19
固顶文章Journals and papers in English and Japanese from 2007 to present01-16
固顶文章The major Journals in English and Japanese in our library07-23
Publication more...

固顶文章Borneo Natural History Publications09-06
固顶文章Sabah Museum Journal09-06
固顶文章The Sarawak Museum Journal09-06
固顶文章Southeast Asian Industrialization, Foreign Direct Investment and Te...02-14
固顶文章Modern China-Myanmar Relations: Dilemmas of Mutual Dependence09-29
固顶文章China's Left-Behind Wives: Families of Migrants from Fujian to Sout...06-12
固顶文章Chinese Perceptions of the U.S.05-29
固顶文章Index to Periodical Articles Relating to Southeast Aisa & Overseas ...09-26
Referential Books more...

固顶文章IV. Islands as a fief of satsuma09-21
固顶文章VIII. Japanese imperialism,1894-1945 ch.8 pp.101-12110-15
固顶文章VIII. Japanese foreign policy,1869-1942 chs.5.6 pp.83-12510-15
固顶文章VIII. China diplomacy,1914-1918 pp.102-14510-15
固顶文章VII. Woodrow Wilson's china policy,1913-1917 chs.2.3 pp.23-8410-15
固顶文章VII. Sentimental imperialists ch.10 pp.134-14710-15
固顶文章VII. Frontier defense and the open door pp.53-24410-15
固顶文章VI. Ssentimental imperialists chs.3-9 pp.31-13310-15
XMU Knowledge Resource Portal more...

固顶文章Archives Unbound(Gale)08-11
固顶文章U.S. Declassified Documents Online (Gale)08-11
固顶文章Library Guide & Policy01-10
固顶文章About XMU Library07-24

Southeast Asian Indus...

Modern China-Myanmar ...

China's Left-Behind W...

Chinese Perceptions o...

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