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Southeast Asian Affairs 2006.3
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Southeast Asian Affairs


A Quarterly Journal


                                No.3, Sept.2006






Malacca Straits and the Security of Sea-lanes in the South China Sea

                                                                                                        Li  Jin-ming (1)

Malaysian National Benefits in Changing Policies toward China  

            Liao Xiao-jian(7)

Influences of the Security of Voyage in the South China Sea on World Economy

                                     Zhu Hua-you, Ju Hai-long (15)

Culture of Security and Diplomacy in Southeast Asia:  Transition of the “ASEAN Way”

           Zhao Yin-liang (21)

Analysis of the Problems Existing in the Economic and Trade Relations between China and Indonesia                                                    Wen Bei-yan (29)

Analysis and evaluation on Intra-ASEAN FDI              

                                                                                                         Li Wan-nan (36)

Developmental Trends of foreign Investment in Thailand Since the 21st Century

                                                Wang Mu-heng(43)

Sense of Cultural Crisis among Chinese Writers in Malaysia

       He Guo-zhong (47)

Probe into the “Memory of Ancetral Home” among the New Generations of Citizens of Chinese Origin in Malaysia 

                                                                                 YU Yun-ping, Yang Jin-tao(57)

Feudal System and Its Characteristics in Pre-British Malaya     

                                                                                                                  He Ping(67)

Naturalization and Accommodation: Features of the Early Islam Society in Southeast Asia during the 13th-18th Centuries                    

                                                                                                          Fan Ruo-lan (73)

Study on Anti-Chinese Riots in Java in Early 20th Century

                                                                                                            Shi Xue-qin(80)

Analysis on the Colonialism of Taxation System in French Indochina      

                                                                                             Guo Li-na, Tan Xin-xin(90)

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