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Southeast Asian Affairs 2002.1
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Southeast Asian Affairs


          A Quarterly Journal


                                No.1 , March 2002







On China-ASEAN Economic & Trade Relations after China’s Accession to the WTO

                                                           Center for WTO Studies(1)

Impacts of China’s WTO Entry on Sino-Indonesian Economic & Trade Relations  

                                                                                                                Lin Mei(7)

China’s Accession tio the WTO and the Economic and Trade Relations between China and Malaysia                                                   

                                                                                                               Zhao Hong(13)

Inquiry Into the Impacts of China’s Entry on Sino-Philippine Economic Relations and Philippine Economy                                    

                                                                                                        Shen Hongfang(18)

Sino-Sinagaporean Economic & Trade Relations after China’s WTO Accession   

                                                                                                                 Wang Qin(27)

Impacts of China’s WTO Entry on Sino-Thai Trade                               Xu Ke(33)

Chinese Investment in Vietnam: Present Situation and Opportunity

                                                                                        Dai Kelai You Mingqian(39)

Political Situations in Some of the Southeast Asian Coutries  

                                                                                                            Zhao Heman(45)

The Present Situation of Sovereignty Dispute Over the South China Sea

                                                                                                                Li Jinming(53)

Development of Philippine NGOs and the Reasons for It           Shi Xueqin(66)

Analysis of Recent Economic Situation in Thailand and Prospects for It 

                                                                                                                          Li Yi(74)

Myanmar’s Neutral Foreign Policy during the Cold War             

                                                                                                            You Hongbo(80)

China’s Southeast Asian Studies Facing the New Century: in Retrospect and Prospect

                               Liang Zhiming  Zhang Xizhen Yang Baoyun(86)


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