Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
Southeast Asian Economies Since Striding into the 21st Century Wang Qin(1)
Political and Economic Developments in Indonesia at the Beginning of the New Millennium
Lin Mei(7)
Comparative Studies on the Processes of Industrialization and Industrial Policies in ANIEs-4
Shen Hongfang(13)
Bilateral Trade between China and Thailand in Retrospect and Prospect
Xie Zhipeng(19)
Impacts of Economic Globalization on Vietnamese Economy Pi Jun(24)
Family Management of the Ethnic Chinese Business Groups in Southeast Asia
Wang Wangbo(30)
Restructuring and Adjustment of the Ethnic Chinese Business Groups in the Philippines
Jiang Xiding(37)
Maritime Activities in Southeast Asian Countries under the General Situation of International Maritime Exploitation
Gao Weinong(45)
Changing Identities of Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia since World War Ⅱ
Wang Fubing(55)
Overseas Chinese from Chaozhou-Shantou Area and the War of Resistance against Japan
Li Yijie(67)
On Xiamen’s Management of Overseas Trade in the Earlier Stage of the Qing Dyanasty
Feng Lijun(74)
On the Overseas Trade and Maritime Smuggle of Chaozhou from the Tang to the Earlier Stage of the Qing Dynasty
Huang Gui(83)
Impacts of Electronic Periodicals on the Periodical Purchases of Library
Xu Bin(89)