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Southeast Asian Affairs 1999.3
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Southeast Asian Affairs


         A Quarterly Journal


                                No.3 , September 1999






Connotation of Ethnic Chinese Culture and Its Relationship with the Identification of Ethnic Group

                                                                                                               Zhuang Guotu(1)

Chinese Language Education in the Early Stage of Malay Independence  

        Gu Hongting(7)

Financial Storm in Southeast Asia and the New Movements of Ethnic Chinese Businessmen                                                   

                                                                                                           Chen Huaidong(17)

Influence of the Return of Hongkong on the Economic and Trade Relationship between Hong Kong and Southeast Asia and Some Suggestions for Countermeasure

                                                                                                               Wu Chongbo(31)

ASEAN and the Progress of ASEAN Regional Forum                            Xu Bin(37)

Philippine New Central Bank’s Supervision over and Reforms of Banking Sector under Financial Liberalization                                                 Shen Hongfang(42)

Bad Account Problems in Thai Banks and Solutions to them          Xie Zhipeng(49)

Malaysian New Measures against Bad Loans in Banks                    Zhang Ling(54)

Comparison of the Reforms in Industrial Enterprises between China and Vietnam

                                                                                                                             Pi Jun(58)

Analysis of the Features of East Asian Economic Models and Their Limits 

                                           Chen Jianxin(64)

Overseas Chinese Coolie and Their Struggle against Colonialism in Cuba in 19th Century

   Han Zhenhua(66)

Spread of Fujian Emigrants and Chinese Culture in Thailand          Yu Yunping(72)

Contributions of Overseas Chinese from Jinjiang to the Construction of Their Hometowns Since Reform and Openness     

                                                                                   Guo Yongtong & Shi Wenfang(77)


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