Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
Countermeasures and Introspection of Ethnic Chinese Businessmen in the Current Financial Crisis
Guo Liang(1)
Financial Liberalization Reform in Five Southeast Asian Countries and Its Experience
Wang Qin(13)
Financial Liberalization and Crisis in ASEAN Zhao Hong(24)
Food Production in the Philippines: Retrospect and Prospects Jiang Xiding(30)
Measures to Tackle Export Difficulties and their Effects in Thailand
Xie Zhipeng(37)
Present Transformation of the Chinese Commercial Banks in Thailand Li Yi(43)
On Taiwan’s Direct Investment in Malaysia Chen Lu(50)
Asian Transitional Economies’ System in Singapore in the 1990s
Zhu Renxian & Wang Changhui(60)
The 1896 Philippine Revolution: Harbinger of Awakening in Asia
Chen Yande(65)
On the View of Lee Kuan Yew on National Security
Yue Shizhou & Yue Shichuan(75)