Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
Changes in Government Policies of New China Towards Overseas Chinese
Zhuang Guotu(1)
Some View on the Identification and Assimilation of Ethnic Chinese
in Post-war Southeast Asia Guo Liang(12)
Roles of Remittance of Overseas Chinese in the Economic Development of China
Lin Jinzhi(21)
The Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia and the Dissemination of Commercial Civilization during Late Ming and Early and Early Ching Periods
Zheng Fuhong(35)
Wong Nai Siang: A Pioneer of Overseas Chinese in Developing S.E. Asian Economy
Wang Muheng(44)
A Good Combination of Historical Facts and Theoretical Analysis:
Comments on “ A History of Overseas Chinese” Chen Senzhen(53)
On the Rise and Decline of Srivijaya Gui Guanghua(55)
A Preliminary Inquiry into the Aims of Opening and Banning the Sea
during Kangxi’s Reign in the Ching Dynsty Li Jinming(63)
Overseas Trade and Some Economic and Cultural Concepts in Quanzhou
during the Song and Yuan Dynasties Yuan Bingling(72)
New Features of Introducing Foreign Capital in the Asian Pacific
Developing Countries Wang Qin(79)
Changes and Adjustment in Industrial Structure in Singapore
Wu Chongbo(85)
Export-oriented Rural Economy in the Philippines: Development and Problems
Jiang Xiding(93)
Socio-economic Development Plans of Thailand Li Ziren(101)
Executive Editor: Liao Shaolian