Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
ASEAN Economy: the 1980s in Retrospect and the 1990s in Prospect
Wang Muheng(1)
Postwar International Enviornment Affecting Foreign Policies in Southeast Asia
Pan Muzhong(8)
Rural Development Strategies of Philippine Government during Different Periods and Analysis of the Reasons for Their Changes
Shen Hongfang(17)
Indonesian Performances in Introducing Foreign Capital and Economic Development
Lin Mei(24)
Challenges Facing Indonesian Economy Huang Dinglan(31)
Indonesian Adjustment of Exchange Rate and Analysis of its Long-term Effect
Ning Zhiping(39)
Evolution of Chinese Government’s Policies towards Returns Overseas Chinese
and Their Relatives(1949-1966) Zhuang Guotu(49)
Struggles for Defending Republicanism by Overseas Chinese and
the Republic of China in Its Early Days Guo Liang(57)
Chinese Migrants’ Impacts on the Languages and Daily lives in Southeast Asia
in the 16th and 17th Centuries Zheng Fuhong(67)
Establishment of the Customs and Imposition of Tariff in the Qing Dynsty
Li Jingming(78)
Contacts between the Ming Dynasty and the Majapahit Dynasty
Nie Dening(91)
Maritime Trade and Quanzhou Commercial Economy during the Song
and Yuan Dynasties Yuan Bingling(100)
Executive Editor: Zhao Wenliu