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Southeast Asian Affairs 1989.4
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Southeast Asian Affairs


                 A Quarterly Journal

                                 No. 4 , November 1989





Sino Holland Maritime Trade in the Early 17th Century                  Li Jinming(1)

Southeast Asian Junks in the 18th and 19th Centuries                       Chen Xiyu(11)

Fusion Problem of Overseas Chinese in Vietnam before World War

  Wu Fengbin(19)

Returning to Enter Domestic War and Achiveing Brilliant Military Exploits

——Memory of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Overseas Chinese Machinists Returing from South Seas to Enter Domestic War           

                                                                                                         Lin Shaochuan(31)

Examinations into Historical Relics of Overseas Chinese in Nagasaki 

                                                                                                                    Guo Liang(39)

Hoe Does Singapore Develop its only Resource——Manpower?

                                                                                                        Huang Wangqing(49)

Sigapore’s Public Enterprises System and Its Adjustment             Wang Qin(54)

Singaporean State Conciousness and Its Fosterage                         Cao Yunhua(61)

Approach to Indonesian Capital Market                                          Chen Dabing(68)

Evaluation of the Effect of Thailand ‘s Export-oriented Industrialization in the 1970s

                                                                                                              Wang Muheng(77)

Several Features of the country Distinction and Industrial Distribution of

Foreign Investments in Thai Manufacture                                     Xie Zhipeng(86)

Progress of ASEAN Economic Integration and Its Operational Pattern   

                                                                                                               Zhao Wenliu(93)

Case Study of and Prospects for the Economic Cooperation within ASEAN Region     

                                                                                  Liao Shaolian(102)

Forty Year of Fukien Overseas Chinese Study in Retrospect

                                                                                                               Wu Fengbin(110)

“A Survey of Modern Overseas Chinese Investments in Domestic Enterprises”

Is Worth Reading                                                                             Jiang Duo(121)

Publication of “Policies towards Overseas and Ethnic Chinese in Postwar Southeast Asian Countires” Is Impending                    

                                                                                                                Yun Sheng(122)

Comprehensive Table of Contents of “Southeast Asian Affaris”(No.45-60,1986-1989)



Executive Editor: Zhao Wenliu

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