Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
Approach to the Problem of Debt Crisis in Developing Countries
Yang Weizhong(1)
Progress of Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation and the Attitude of ASEAN Countries
Yang Mingwan(11)
Postwar Changes in and Adjustment of the Industrial Structure of ASEAN Countries
Wang Muheng(18)
Features and Roles of the Bourgeois Parties in ASEAN Countries
Lin Wuguang(28)
Economic Relations Between ASEAN and the United States
Wu Chongbo(36)
Evaluation of Thailand’s Agricultural Diversification and Its Economic Policies
towards Rural Area Zhao Wenliu(43)
Development and Prospects of Stock Markets in Thailand
Chen Dabing(54)
Comparative Study of the Foreign Loan Managerial Systems in China and Thailand
Ren Huizhong(64)
On the Rectification of Economic Structure in Singapore in the 1980s
Wang Qin(71)
On the Process and Causes of Burma’s Reduction to a British Colony
Huang Huanzhong(79)
Examination of the Construction Date of Huaisheng Pagoda in Guangzhou
Liao Dake(88)
Overseas Chinese and the May 4th Movement of 1919 Guo Liang(94)
Survey of the Problem of Overseas Chinese from Fukien Province Returning to
Southeast Asia at the Early Stage of Postwar Period Lin Zhen(103)
Brief Introduction of the South and Southeast Asia Department, Center of Anthropology and Sociology, Amsterdam University, Holland
Huang Dinglan(110)
Publication News:” Material Selections on the Modern History of Overseas
Chinese Investment in China’s Domestic Enterprises (the Volume for Guangdong)” Has Been Published
Xia Nanlin(115)
Executive Editor: Wang Muheng