Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
Approach to the Trends of Malaysian Economic Development in the 1980s
Wang Muheng(1)
Approach to Ethnic Chinese Business Groups in Malaysia Chen Zhen(11)
From Severe Recession to Rapid Growth——Comments on Economic Changes in Singapore since the Mid 1980s
Huang Hansheng(19)
Philippine Political Rituation in Retrospect and Prospect
Zhao Wenliu(28)
Progress of Postwar Thailand’s Industrialization Xie Zhipeng(34)
Answer to “Is Thailand Building the Country Based on agricultural?”
Li Ziren(42)
Analysis of the Problem of Foreign Loans in ASEAN Countries
Wu Chongbo(50)
Viewing the Strengthening Economic Relations of Japan with ASEAN Countries from the Conceotion of “East Asian Economic Circle”
Yang Mingwan(59)
Relationship between the Philippines and China——Review of Postwar History, Status Quo and Prospects
Shen Hongfang(65)
On the Reasons Why the Reform of Chulalongkorn Succeeded and That of
Mindon Failed
Zhang Xiaoang(75)
On the Establishment of Overseas Chinese General Chember of Commerce
in the Late Ching Dynasty
Zhuang guotu(88)
On the Nature of Tribute Relations between the Ming Court and Southeast
Asian Countries
Liao Dake(91)
Chinese Shipbuilding Activities in Southeast Asia in the 18th Century
Chen Xiyu(102)
Executive Editor: Wang Muheng