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Southeast Asian Affairs 1988.2
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Southeast Asian Affairs


               A Quarterly Journal

                                 No. 2 , April 1988





Thailand’s Strategy of Economic Development                             Wang Muheng(1)

Thailand’s Sixth Five Year Plan of Socio-economic Deveolpment 

                                                                                                                         Li Ziren(12)

A Sipmple Analysis of Thailand’s Outward Oriented Agriculture 

                                                                                                                      Lin Zhihe(18)

Trade Relations between Australia and ASEAN: Development since the 1970s

and Prospects                                                                               Yang Mingwan(27)

The Development of Southeast Asian Feudalism from the 13th to the 15th Centuries

                                                                                                            Gui Guanghua(40)

The Dutch Colonialist Policies towards Indonesia and their Evolution   

                                                                                                       Huang Huanzong(47)

A Simple Analysis of Thai Royal Family’s Policies towards Ethnic Chinese

before the Establishmentof Constituional Monarchy in 1932

                                                                                                          Wang Weimin(57)

The Formation and Development of Liem Sioe Liong’s Business Group 

                                                                                                                 Cai Renlong(64)

The Chinese Contract Labourers from Swatow after the Opium War  

                                                                                                                 Wu Fengbin(74)

A Study on International Silver Flow and Its Import into China from the 16th

to the 18th Centuries                                                                            Qian Jiang(81)

The Publication of “A History of Chinese Contract Labour”                   Qi Jin(92)

The Publication of “A Survey of Modern Domestic Enterprise with

Overseas Chinese Investment”                                                              Xia Nan(94)





Executive Editor: Li Guoliang

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