Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
The Natioalism of the Ruling Circle in Modern Thailand
Huang Huanzong(1)
The Rise and Development of Ayuthia Kingdom Gui Guanghua(11)
The Strategy and Trends of Multinational Corporations’ Investment in Singapore
Wang Qin(17)
The National Capital of Malaysia Lin Wuguang(25)
The Restructuring of Agriculture in Indonesia Huang Dinglan(34)
An Analysis of the Rural Poverty in the Philippines Jiang Xiding(41)
Japanese Investment in and Technology Transfer to Thailand’s Manufature
Fan Yongming(48)
Thailand’s Solutions to the Problem of “Four Circulations” Li Ziren(55)
Postwar Japanese Direct Investment in ASEAN Countries
——A Review and Prospect Sheng Hongfang(61)
An Analysis of Labour Flow in ASEAN Countries Xu zongling(67)
Primary Product Trade and the North-South Economic Relations
in the Asian-Pacific Region Liao Shaolian(77)
On the International Division of Labour between the Asian-Pacific Countries and USA
Guo Shanghua & Xie Gouwei(84)
The Chinese Financial Magnates of Fuqing and Putian Group in Indonesia
Chen Zhen(90)
Executive Editor: Wang Muheng