PhD (Economics) 2009, Xiamen University
MA (Economics) 2006, Xiamen University
Research Interests
Monetary Policy, Financial Opening, Financial Stability
Teaching Fields
Statistics and Econometrics
Honors & Awards
2014/9 Best Student Paper Award of the 2014 International Conference of Financial Engineering, IAENG International Association of Engineers, The World Congress on Engineering 2014
2014/04 Excellent Teaching Award of Xiamen University
2013/12 Secondary teaching achievement award of Xiamen University
2012/12 First prize at 7th youth scholars teaching skill competition of Xiamen University
2014/7 Limiao Bai, Sen Yan, Xiaolian Zheng and Ben M.Chen“Market Turning Points Forecasting Using Wavelet Analysis”, World Congress on Engineering 2014, LONDON, U.K, Paper Number: ICFE_17
2013/1 林梅、闫森“中印(尼)两国的服务贸易比较分析”:南洋问题研究(2013年第1期)
2012/4 “马来西亚经济转型计划的实施与成效”:亚太经济(2012年第4期)
2011/1 林梅、闫森“中国与马来西亚的经贸关系:竞争性与互补性的分析”:南洋问题研究(2011年第1期)
2009/7 “东盟五国通货膨胀的成因分析” :亚太经济 (2009年第4期)
2009/6 “东盟五国通货膨胀的福利成本研究” :南洋问题研究 (2009年第2期)
2009/5 “东盟新兴市场国家通货膨胀的成因分析” :东南亚纵横 (2009年第5期)
2006/1 “东盟国家服务贸易壁垒的测度与分析” :亚太经济 (2006年第1期)
2005/7 “东盟国家关税政策的新进展”:国际贸易问题 (2005年第7期)
2004/4 “印度尼西亚关税政策的新调整”:东南亚 (2004年第4期)
2009/5 “东盟五国通货膨胀的实证研究”,博士学位论文
2006/5 “东盟五国的均衡汇率与汇率失衡”,硕士学位论文
Limiao Bai, Sen Yen, Xiaolian Zheng and Ben M. Chen, “Market turning points forecasting using wavelet analysis”, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference of Financial Engineering, London, U.K., pp. 940-945, 2014.
Yan Sen, “The Implementation and Effect of Malaysian Economic Transformation Program”,Journal of Asia-pacific Economic Review, CHINA,2012
Yan Sen, “An Analysis on Factors That Caused Inflation in ASEAN-5”, Journal of Asia-pacific Economic Review, CHINA, 2009
Yan Sen, “The Welfare Cost of Inflation in ASEAN-5”, Journal of Southeast Asian Affairs, CHINA, 2009
Yan Sen, “An Analysis on Factors That Caused Inflation in EMEs of ASEAN”, Journal of Around Southeast Asia, CHINA, 2009
Yan Sen, “The Analysis and Measurement of the Restrict on Service Trade of Five ASEAN Countries”, Journal of Asia-pacific Economic Review, CHINA, 2006
Yan Sen, “New Adjustment on Tariff Polices of ASEAN Countries”, Journal of International Trade, CHINA, 2005
Yan Sen, “The Adjustment on Tariff of Indonesia”, Journal of Southeast Asia, CHINA, 2004