XU Ke, PhD.
2007, September 17:
Obtained Ph.D. degree from Southeast Asian Studies Programme, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore.
2003, January 23 – 2006, August:
Research scholar and PhD candidate in Southeast Asian Studies Programme, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore.
Main research area: Southeast Asia and China maritime interactions, with a focus on maritime piracy.
1997, September-2000, July:
Obtained Master of Economics in Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University, China.
1987, Sept. -1990 July:
English major in Foreign Languages Department, Xiamen Lujian Vocational University.
2011, Aug.-Now, Associate Professor, Faculty of International Relations, Xiamen University
2008 Sept-2011, July Assistant Professor,Faculty of International Relations, Xiamen University
2006, Aug.—2008, Dec, Research Fellow, Centre for Maritime Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Research area: maritime security, with a special focus on piracy
2000, Sept.-2002 Dec.: Assistant Research Fellow in Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University, China.
Research area: Economic relations between China and Southeast Asian countries.
1995-1997: Xiangyu Zhongxi International Trading Company, dealt with international trade.
1993-1995: Fritz International Transportation Company, dealt with sea and air cargoes transportation.
1990-1992: Union Tape (Xiamen) Company, dealt with import and export trade.
2003-2007, National University of Singapore, Research Scholarship.
2004, National University of Singapore, Fieldwork Research Grant.
“Myth and Reality: The Rise and Fall of Contemporary Maritime Piracy in the South China Sea” in Maritime Security in the South China Sea: Regional Implications and International Cooperation, edited by Wu Shicun and Zou Keyuan , Aldershot, United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing, 2009 (Forthcoming).
“Piracy and Energy Security in Asian Waters”in Asian Energy Security: The Maritime Dimension,Edited by Hongyi Lai, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 (Forthcoming).
“Indonesian New Maritime Security Proposal” Maritime Studies, January/ February 2008, No.158:25-26, the Australian Association for Maritime Affairs.
“The United States Anti-Piracy Policy” Maritime Studies, September/ October 2007, No.156:14-16, the Australian Association for Maritime Affairs.
“Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia and the Global Geopolitics” in China and South China Issues,edited by Fu Kuncheng and Shui Binghe, Taibei: Wen Jin Tang, 2007, pp.203-227 [in Chinese].
“Piracy, Seaborne Trade and the Rivalries of Foreign Sea Powers in East and Southeast Asia”, in Piracy, Maritime Terrorism and Securing the Malacca Straits, edited by Graham Gerald Ong-Webb, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006, pp.221-240.
“Anti-piracy dilemmas in Southeast Asia”, in China-ASEAN Relations-Economic and Legal Dimensions, edited by John Wong, Zou Keyuan and Zeng Huaqun. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Pte. Ltd., 2006, pp.75-90.
“Maritime piracy in Southeast Asian Waters and Regional Security”, Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, 2002, No.3. pp.46-51, Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Academy [in Chinese].
The CMS maritime security cluster project.
A joint project with Information Sharing Centre of Regional Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP).
“The Rise and Fall of Contemporary Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia”, Symposium on Piracy and Maritime Security in the Southeast China Sea, organized by National Institute for South China Sea Studies, China, 15-16 March 2008, Sanya, Hainan, China.
“Perceptions, Responses, and Challenges in Maritime Security Cooperation in the Straits of Malacca: A Singapore Perspective”, Maritime Cooperation in East Asia: Competing Understandings of Human Security, organized by New Zealand Asia Institute, University of Auckland and Swinburne University of Technology Malaysia, 7–8 December 2007, Kuching, Malaysia.
“Shipping Industry and the Rise and fall of Contemporary Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia”, Asia-Pacific Shipping and Ports 2008 & Beyond: Challenges in Regulation, Strategy & Policy, organized by Centre for Maritime Studies, National University of Singapore, 17-18 December 2007, Singapore.
“Maritime Security Updates in the Straits of Malacca” at the 5th Maritime Security Workshop held inSingapore, 6-8 December 2006, organised by Temasek Defence Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore.