Personal Details
Name: Huifen Shen
Designation: Associate Professor
School: School of International Relations/ Research School for Southeast Asian Studies
Department: Overseas Chinese Affair and Diplomacy
Address: Research School for Southeast Asian Studies,
Xiamen University, 422 Siming South Road, Siming District,
Xiamen, Fujian, China
Email: shenhfxm@163.com
Academic Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy, National University of Singapore, 2007
Master Degree, Modern Chinese History, Fujian Normal University, 2002
Bachelor of Arts in Education (History), Fujian Normal University, 1999
Research Areas
Gender and transnational migration: China’s transnational migration history
Study of Chinese overseas
Modern China history
Current Research Project
A study on transnational migrant families in Fujian and Guangdong in modern history. Funded by The National Social Science Fund of China, the National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences, the People’s Republic of China (Principal investigator, 2020-2025)
Teaching Areas
Gender, Transnational Migration, and International Relations
History of International Relations in the Asia Pacific
Foreign Relations of Modern China
Study of Chinese overseas
a) Monograph
China's Left-Behind Wives: Families of Migrants from Fujian to Southeast Asia, 1930s-1950s, Singapore: NUS Press, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, and Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012.
b) Refereed Journals
1. “War memory of Chinese diaspora: Focusing on the Chinese remittance letters (Qiao Pi) about the Pacific War experiences in Southeast Asia” (华人离散群体的战争记忆—以东南亚华侨关于太平洋战争的侨批为中心),Xiamen daxue xuebao (厦门大学学报Journal of Xiamen University), No. 6, 2021, pp. 107-119.
2. “Though leaving, ties remain”:A discussion on the connections between Overseas Chinese and their homeland in modern history--A case study of the remittance letters sent by the Ye brothers to their family in Jiaying, Guangdong, in late Qing dynasty (“离而不散”:近代华人移民的跨域流动与故土联结—以清末广东嘉应叶家侨批为例), Shijie minzu (世界民族 Journal of World Peoples Studies), No. 2, 2021, pp. 47-58.
3. “Chinese remittance and the life of the left-behinds: A discussion on the transition of the life of the left-behinds in Fujian during the Anti-Japanese War” (华侨汇款与侨眷生活:抗日战争时期福建跨国留守群体生活的变迁), Fujian luntan (福建论坛Fujian Tribune), No. 9, 2021, pp. 123-133.
4. “A discussion on the images of Overseas Chinese in Chinese governmental archival documents and genealogy of Overseas Chinese during the Republican Era” (论民国时期华侨在中国档案与族谱中的形象), Fujian luntan (福建论坛 Fujian Tribune), No. 3, 2017, pp. 118-124.
5. “Constructing a history for China’s left-behind women: A discussion on the research materials and methodology of the study” (构建中国侨乡女性史:资料与方法的探讨), Fujian luntan (福建论坛 Fujian Tribune), No. 11, 2015, pp. 149-156.
6. “The Revolutionary Activities of the Left-behind Women in the Emigrant Communities in Fujian, 1937-1949” (抗日战争时期福建侨乡留守妇女参与革命活动探析), Dangshi yanjiu yu jiaoxue (党史研究与教学 CPC History Research and Teaching), No. 6, 2013, pp. 93-100.
7. “Constructing a life history of the left-behind women in qiaoxiang in southeastern China: A discussion of the value and use of remittance letters for the research of the women” (构建东南沿海侨乡女性生活史:侨批资料的价值与利用), Fujian luntan (福建论坛 Fujian Tribune), No. 7, 2013, pp. 103-110.
8. “Overseas migration and left-behind women in folk songs of Quanzhou in Fujian” (福建泉州民间歌谣里的海外迁移与留守妇女), Journal of the South Seas Society, Vol. 66, 2012, pp. 53-66.
9.“Surviving in hometown: Returned Overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia in Fujian during the Pacific War” (故地求存:太平洋战争期间福建的返乡难侨) , Shijie minzu (世界民族 Journal of World Peoples Studies), No. 6, 2011, pp. 59–68.
10.“Research on the literature images and historical significance of the Fankeshen, the Left-behind wives of the Nanyang Chinese in Fujian” (论华侨妻子番客婶的文学形象和史学意义), Fujian shifan daxue xuebao (福建师范大学学报 Journal of Fujian Normal University), No. 4, 2011, pp. 131-138.
11.“Marital lives of the left-behind women in Overseas Chinese families: A case study of migrant marriages in Quanzhou, Fujian, 1930s-1950s” (华侨家庭留守妇女的婚姻状况:以20世纪30-50年代福建泉州华侨婚姻为例), Huaqiao huaren lishi yanjiu (华侨华人历史研究 Overseas Chinese History Studies), No. 2, 2011, pp. 68-76.
12.“Qiaojuan Politics: Government Policies toward the Left-behind Family Members of Chinese Overseas, 1880-1990s”, Journal of Chinese Overseas, Vol. 6, No. 1, May 2010, pp. 43-79.
13.“Wartime relief work and its networks: Fujian Provincial Government’s receiving & allocating work on Southeast Asia Overseas Chinese refugees during the Pacific War” (战争中的救侨工作与救侨网络:太平洋战争期间福建省政府对东南亚避难归侨的接送), Journal of the South Seas Society, Vol. 60, 2006, pp. 6-19.
14. “Being involved in the World: Chinese Maritime Customs and the 1873’ Vienna World Fair” (走向世界:晚清中国海关与1873年维也纳世界博览会), Fujian shifan daxue xuebao (Journal of Fujian Normal University 福建师范大学学报), No. 4, 2004, pp. 106-113.
15. “The relief and protection provided for the returned Overseas Chinese by the Fuzhou Overseas Chinese Association after the Outbreak of the Pacific War” (太平洋战争爆发后福州海外华侨协会救护归侨事略), Fujian luntan (福建论坛 Fujian Tribune), special issue, July 2001, pp. 84-85.
c) Chapters in Books and Others (selected)
1. “A discussion on the images of the Overseas Chinese in newspapers published in the emigrant communities in China during the Republican era” (民国时期中国侨乡报纸中的华侨形象探析),in Hong Kong Museum of History and Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University (eds.), Collected Essays of “To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the History of the Maritime Silk Road”, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of History, 2018, pp. 176-182.
2. “Chinese families in the international migration process: Inheritance and adjustment” (国际视野下的中国家庭:传承与调适), in Zheng Yisheng, ed., Transition and integration: Research on the relations between Overseas Chinese and qiaoxiang with multi-layered perspectives (传承与交融—多维视野下的海外华人与中国侨乡关系研究), Guilin: Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2014, pp. 285-293.
3. “Being Involved in the World: Chinese Maritime Customs and the 1873’ Vienna World Fair” (走向世界:晚清中国海关与1873年维也纳世界博览会), in Ma Min, ed., Bolanhui yu jindai Zhongguo (博览会与近代中国world Expositions and Modern China), Wuhan: Huazhong shifan daxue chubanshe, 2010, pp. 133-46.
4. “A Brief History of the Late Qing’s Participation in the World Expositions” (晚清中国参加国际博览会述略), Fujian Xiangtu (福建乡土 Local History of Fujian) , No. 1, 2002, pp. 44-46.
5. “The Self-reliance of the Qiaojuan in Southern Fujian after the Outbreak of the Pacific War” (太平洋战争爆发后闽南侨眷的生产自救), Tongyi zhanxian (统一战线 The United Front) , No. 2, 2002, pp. 33-34.
6. “Jiang Jiyun” (江继芸), in Huang Guosheng and Lin Gongwu, eds., Jinxiandai Fuzhou mingren (近现代福州名人 Who is Who of Modern Fuzhou History), Fuzhou: Fujian Renmin Chubanshe, 1999, pp. 70-72.