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  Associate Professor Lin Mei    Hot     ★★★ 【字体:
Associate Professor Lin Mei
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Name: Lin Mei

Working institute and position: Associate Professor of Research School for Southeast Asian Studies/Faculty of International Relations of Xiamen University, Fujian, China.

Education Background:

1994.9-1999.5 PhD Candidate, Economics Department, Xiamen University, Xiamen,China. PhD of Economics in 1999

1987.9-1990.7 Graduate Student of Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, china. Master Degree in 1990

1983.9-1987.7 Undergraduate Student of Economics, Xiamen University. Bachelor Degree in 1987

Academic Employments

1990.7-present: Assistant Professor and Associate Professor, Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China. Research Field Includes Development Economics, especially focus on economy ofIndonesia

1997: Visiting fellow, Center for Asian Studies (CASA), Amsterdam University, Amsterdam, theNetherlands.

2008.5-8 Visiting Research Fellow, the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore

Teaching courses:

---Development economic

---Institutional economics

---Indonesian economy

Major Publications:


1)Comparison Studies on Governance of State-owned Enterprises, , XIAMEN: XIAMEN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1999

2)New Pattern of Economic Relationship Between China and ASEAN, co-author, XIAMEN: XIAMEN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2003

3)Annual Report on The Development of Southeast Asia (2013), co-author SOCIAL SCIENCE ACADEMIC PRESS(CHINA), 2013

4)Annual Report on The Development of Southeast Asia (2013-2014), co-author SOCIAL SCIENCE ACADEMIC PRESS(CHINA), 2014

5)Annual Report on The Development of Southeast Asia (2014-2015), co-author SOCIAL SCIENCE ACADEMIC PRESS(CHINA), 2015

6)Southeast Asian Industrialization, Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Advance, co-author, XIAMEN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2014

Journal Papers:

1)Indonesian Opportunities and Polices for Chinese Outward Investment under the Strategy of 21th Maritime Silk Road,ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC REVIEW, No.4, 2015

2)Indonesian New President Joko Widodo’s “Global Maritime Axis” Strategy and New Milestone for China-Indonesia Bilateral Cooperation, AROUND SOUTHEAST ASIA, No.9, 2015

3)Indonesian Economic Development During the Period of S.B.Yudhoyono Being president and Challenge for New Government,SOUTHEAST ASIA, No.4, 2014

4)Service Trade Between China and Indonesia,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIRS, No.1, 2013

5)Retrospect 2012 and Prospect 2013 for Indonesia,AROUND SOUTHEAST ASIA, No.3, 2013

6)The Process of Indonesian Industrialization and Evolution of Industry Policy,AROUND SOUTHEAST ASIA, No.6, 2011

7)Trade and Economic Relations BetweenChinaandMalaysia: Competitive and Complementary,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIRS, No.1, 2011

8)Chinese Migrant Workers inSingapore: an Analysis Based on Interview,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OFCHINASTUDIES, No.1, 2010

9)The Impact of Financial Crisis on Indonesian Economy and Anti-crisis Measures,AROUND SOUTHEAST ASIA, NO.4, 2009.

10)Studies onIndonesia’s Tourism Competitiveness and Tourism Cooperation betweenChinaandIndonesia,SOUTHESAT ASIAN AFFAIRS, NO.2, 2008

11)Fishing cooperation betweenChinaandIndonesia,SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES, NO.1, 2008

12)Status Quo and Prospects of China’s Investments in Indonesia, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIRS, NO.4, 2007

13)A study on Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia,CHIANA AND MALAYSIA IN A GRLOBIZATION WORLD, edited by EMILE KOK-KHENG YEOH, published by Institute of China studies, University of Malaya, 2006


15)Trade of Agricultural product and cooperation of agriculture between china andIndonesia,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, No.4, 2005

16)Report on investigation inIndonesia,(HONGKONG) INDONESIA FOCUS, No.15, 2004

17)Retrospect of Indonesian economy in 2003 and its prospect in 2004, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, No.1, 2004

18)Free trade betweenChinaand ASEAN,(HONGKONG) INDONESIA FOCUS, No.6, 2004

19)Sino-Indonesia economic relation: complementation and competition, SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES, No.1, 2004

20)Progress of Sino-ASEAN free trade area of its advantages and disadvantages,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, No.3, 2003

21)Retrospect of Indonesian economy in 2002 and its prospect in 2003,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, No.1, 2003

22)Establishment of China-ASEAN free trade area and its prospect,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, No.2, 2002

23)Impacts ofChina’s WTO entry on Sino-Indonesian economic and trade relations,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, No.1, 2002

24)The disaster of 9.11 and Indonesian economy,WORLD DAILY, PHILIPPINE, 2001-12-23

25)The trends of Indonesian politic and economy in 21th century,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, No.4, 2001

26)Taiwan’s investment inIndonesia,TAIWAN RESEARCH QUARTERLY, No.3, 2001

27)Analysis on recent Indonesian economic situation,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, No.2, 2001

28)Financial crisis and ethnic Chinese group, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.2, 2000

29)Bank Bali scandal and its impact,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.4, 2000

30)Ethnic Chinese group under the globalization of economy,STUDIES ON ETHNIC CHINESE, NO.4, 2000


32)Indonesian new government in trouble,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.4, 1999

33)Indonesian economy: retrospect in 1998 and prospect in 1999,SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES, NO.4, 1999

34)Reforming Vietnamese state-owned enterprises, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.1, 1998,

35)Indonesia financial crisis and its impact on economy, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.2, 1998

36)Privatization and its effect of state-owned enterprises inMalaysia, CONTEMPORARY ASIA AND PACIFIC, NO.11, 1998

37)Food production and security in Vietnam, FOOD SECURITY IN CHINA AND SOUTHEAST ASIA, PHILIPPINE, 1999

38)The managerial system of Indonesian State-owned enterprises and its reform,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.2, 1996

39)Singapore’s state-owned enterprises, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.4, 1995

40)Foreign investment and economic development in Indonesia, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.3, 1992

41)Growth triangle betweenSingapore,Malaysiaand Indonesian,SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.2, 1992

42)On inspiration from Indonesian foreign investment policy, CHINESE AND FOREIGN ENTERPRISES, NO.6, 1993

43)On experience and lessons of Indonesian economic development, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.4, 1993

44)Analysis on economic relationship between Thailand and China, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AFFAIR, NO.2, 1993

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