Dance instructor Edwin Koh leading
Primary 3 pupils from Junyuan Primary School during a lesson. The school has a programme in which all Primary 1 and 2 pupils take part in weekly lessons in an area such as dance. -- ST PHOTO: DESMOND LIM
Primary school pupils are learning critical thinking, practising aerobics moves based on Chinese characters and even taking part in activities designed to instil in them author Stephen Covey's seven habits of highly effective people.
And these are not lessons conducted in brand-name primary schools. Rather, such programmes are now found in neighbourhood ones.
Woodlands Primary, for instance, teaches its Primary 3 and 4 pupils how to question and challenge assumptions.
School principal Kit Gek Wah said: 'One lesson involves the children discussing the concept of heroes. They devise criteria on what makes a hero. Thereafter, the teacher flashes pictures of various characters. Using inquiry techniques, pupils debate on whether these characters are true heroes.'
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