Mandalay, Myanmar, 22 December 2008 
After Thailand, the ASEAN Schools Tour made its stop in Mandalay, Myanmar on 22 December 2008. A total of 500 students from 14 Basic Education High Schools took part in the event at the No. 2 Basic Education High School, which was the host school. The programme was packed with a variety of traditional dance, song and music performances; presentation of the winning entries from the painting and poster competition; and the ASEAN Quiz. The students also had an interactive question-and-answer segment with Dr Termsak Chalermpalanupap, Director and Head of Research, Office of the Secretary-General of ASEAN, who headed the delegation to Mandalay. Feedback from the students showed that they enjoyed the programme and hoped that the ASEAN Schools Tour will continue its stop in Myanmar next year. Some also hoped to get a chance to meet students and youth from the other ASEAN member countries. Very soon, the ASEAN Schools Tour 2008 will come to an end. Come January 2009, the Schools Tour will make its last stop in Indonesia.
Posted on 23 Dec 2008
Making Inroads into Khon Kaen Khon Kaen, Thailand, 19 December 2008
The ASEAN Schools Tour landed in Khon Kaen, a province located in the northern-eastern part of Thailand on 19 December 2008. Some 500 students and their teachers from 11 schools attended the event, including the Kanlayanawat School which was the host school. Besides the ASEAN Quiz contest, a skit contest centered on the theme of “A Caring and Sharing Community” was organised. The host school also put up a cultural performance. Among the guests who delivered remarks at the event were Mr Paisal Wisalaporn, Director, Bureau of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education of Thailand and Dr Termsak Chalermpalanupap, Director and Head of Research, Office of the Secretary-General of ASEAN. A survey of the students at the end of the event indicated an improved understanding of ASEAN. The students also hoped that more of such activities could be organised in future. One student also hoped to have a chance to meet Dr Surin Pitsuwan, the Secretary-General of ASEAN. After bidding farewell to Khon Kaen, the ASEAN Schools Tour heads to Mandalay, Myanmar next.
Posted on 23 Dec 2008
11th Human Resources Development Programme for Officials of ASEAN Countries Seoul, 24 November – 4 December 2008
The 11th Human Resources Development (HRD) Programme for Officials of ASEAN Countries, which aims to provide a platform to promote the understanding of HRD strategies so as to enhance international competitiveness and national development, was held from 24 November - 4 December 2008 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Nineteen representatives from labour ministries in ASEAN took part in the programme that was organised by the Central Officials Training Institute of Korea. Prominent Korean scholars and experts delivered lectures on various topics from economic development to current policies on labour and employment in the Korean context. Visits to a local job centre and national employment information service centre were also conducted. The programme ended with a two-day seminar on "Mainstreaming labour and employment issues into national agendas" which was the overarching theme for this 11th HRD Programme. During the seminar, participants shared their labour and employment priority issues as well as key solutions of translating them into national planning processes. The HRD programme has been implemented since 1993 as a regular activity under the umbrella of ASEAN- Republic of Korea dialogue relations. Posted on 16 Dec 2008
International Seminar on Public Administration and Public Governance in ASEAN Member Countries and Republic of Korea Seoul, 6 December 2008
The First International Seminar on Public Administration and Public Governance in ASEAN Member Countries and Republic of Korea was held on 6 December 2008 in Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK). The seminar, organised by the Institute for Regional Studies and Development of Yonsei University, is the initial phase in the initiative to develop a public management forum and to conduct comparative studies between ASEAN and the Republic of Korea. During the seminar, participants presented and exchanged views on the public administration systems and governance issues in their respective countries. The seminar brought together academicians and experts from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Viet Nam and ROK. It was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of ROK and ASEAN Secretariat through the ASEAN-ROK Special Cooperation Fund. Posted on 16 Dec 2008
The ASEAN Charter Comes into Force Today ASEAN Secretariat, 15 December 2008
A ceremony was held at the ASEAN Secretariat to welcome the entry into force of the ASEAN Charter today. Presiding over the ceremony was H.E. Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia. He was joined by H.E. Dr Mun Patanotai, Minister of Information and Communication Technology of Thailand representing the ASEAN Chair, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers, and Dr Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of ASEAN. In his remarks, Dr Surin said, “We at the ASEAN Secretariat pledge to protect and uphold this ASEAN Charter in letter and in spirit for the benefits of all the peoples of ASEAN.” “From now on, ASEAN shall operate under the new legal framework laid down in the ASEAN Charter. Quite a few new institutions shall soon be established. The ASEAN Community that is being built will be more rules-based and more people-oriented,” he added. The ceremony to welcome the entry into force was witnessed by the ambassadors from ASEAN, ambassadors from ASEAN Dialogue Partners, the diplomatic corp in Indonesia, as well as representatives from regional and international organisations. After the ceremony, the Special ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting or Inaugural Meeting of the ASEAN Coordinating Council was convened at the ASEAN Secretariat. (L-R) H.E. Bounkeut Sangsomsak (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic), H.E. Dr. Rais Yatim (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia), H.E. Nyan Win (Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Union of Myanmar), H.E. Alberto G. Romulo (Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the Republic of the Philippines), H.E. George Yong-Boon Yeo (Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Republic of Singapore), H.E. Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (President of the Republic of Indonesia), H.E. Mun Patanotai (Minister of Information and Communication Technology, the Kingdom of Thailand), H.E. Dr. Pham Gia Khiem (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam), H.R.H Mohamed Bolkiah (Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Brunei Darussalam), H.E. Dr. KAO Kim Hourn (Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Kingdom of Cambodia) H.E. Dr. N. Hassan Wirajuda (Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Republic of Indonesia), H.E. Dr. Surin Pitsuwan (Secretary-General of ASEAN)
Posted on 15 Dec 2008
ASEAN and JICA leaders discuss mutual cooperation and regional issues Tokyo, 8 December 2008
Dr Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of ASEAN and Mrs Sadako Ogata, President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) met at JICA's Tokyo Headquarters on 8 December 2008 to discuss future cooperation between the two organisations and the latest regional developments. At the meeting, the two leaders reviewed a recent agreement between the two organisations for increased cooperation to help accelerate ASEAN integration, drawing on JICA's extensive development experience in the region. Dr Surin also updated Mrs Ogata of the scheduled entry into force of the ASEAN Charter on 15 December 2008 when ASEAN will become a legal entity and is expected to play a larger role in regional integration. Dr Surin also underlined his commitment to help new ASEAN members such as Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam to narrow the development gap in the region and expressed his expectations for JICA's close cooperation in this endeavour. Posted on 15 Dec 2008
Join the AEC Feature Articles Competition ASEAN Secretariat, 10 December 2008 The ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN-EU Programme for Regional Integration Support (APRIS) are jointly organising an “AEC Feature Articles Competition” to promote the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and public understanding of how the fledgling Community is benefitting businesses, traders and consumers in the ASEAN region. Any ASEAN national under the age of 30 can take part in the competition by submitting a 1,000 word feature article that illustrates how ASEAN integration is benefitting consumers, boosting trade, and helping businesses in your country. Three winners will be selected and the top prize consists of a return air ticket to Jakarta and spending money, a chance to meet the Secretary-General of ASEAN as well as a chance to assist in the editing of selected articles for publication.
Posted on 10 Dec 2008
ASEAN Schools Tour Made its Seventh Stop in Da Nang City Viet Nam, 6 December 2008
Continuing the reach out to youths in ASEAN countries, the ASEAN Secretariat team made its seventh ASEAN Schools Tour stop today in Da Nang City, Viet Nam. The programme was held at the Le Quy Don Senior High School for Gifted Students. More than 500 students from five secondary schools and high schools in Da Nang City participated in the event. Mr Thai Van Han, Deputy Director of the Municipal Department of Education and Training, graced the event along with a representative from the Ministry of Education and Training of Viet Nam. Mr Thai said that the ASEAN Schools Tour was the best opportunity for students to improve their knowledge on ASEAN. Heading the ASEAN Secretariat team to Viet Nam was Mr Tran Dong Phuong, Cluster Director of Bureau for Economic Integration and Finance. The quiz session saw students pitting their knowledge on ASEAN against each other. They also had a chance to showcase their talents in traditional dance and song performances that followed. After Viet Nam, the ASEAN Schools Tour will head to Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Posted on 9 Dec 2008
First ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) Joint Committee Meeting, Jakarta, 1 December 2008
The first ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) Joint Committee Meeting was held today at the ASEAN Secretariat. The meeting was co-chaired by Ramon Vicente T. Kabigting, Assistant Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry from the Philippines, and Jun Yokota, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from Japan. The meeting discussed issues relating to the entry into force and implementation of the AJCEP Agreement. Posted on 1 Dec 2008 |