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  ASEAN Virtual Institute of Science and Technology (AVIST) Offers S&T Courses On-Line    Hot     ★★★ 【字体:
ASEAN Virtual Institute of Science and Technology (AVIST) Offers S&T Courses On-Line
AuthorDefaultA...    文章CopyFrom:    Hits    UpdateTime2007-07-24    

Since its launch in June 2006, the AVIST on-line courses have attracted more than 15 professionals from across the ten ASEAN Member Countries looking to improve their knowledge in the field of science and technology.

Courses at the AVIST are designed to provide training through non-degree programmes. They are generally short courses which address the immediate needs of business and industry. The courses serve as a practical learning network for professional development and advanced studies in S&T. Through the AVIST courses, students can expand upon their real, practical experiences.


The AVIST courses are managed and run by the Thailand Graduate Institute of S&T (TGIST) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). Currently, three courses are still open to the public. These are:

(1) Introduction to Technology and Innovation Management
(2) Sustainable Ecotourism Development
(3) Hypercourse on Bioinformatics.

A new course on English for Science and Technology is in the works and should be open to the public soon.

The AVIST is a project of the ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology (COST) and was set up to help meet the ASEAN Vision 2020 goal to develop a technologically competitive ASEAN.

For more information about the AVIST, please visit the website: or write to the following address:

ASEAN Virtual Institute of Science and Technology (AVIST)
P.O. Box 90, Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120
Tel: (+66-2) 5647000 Ext. 1422-1426
Fax:(+66-2) 5647000 Ext. 1427
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