No. | 作者 | Author | Title of thesis | Date |
1 | 丁雪峰 | DING XUE FENG | opening of telecommunications in Singapore and Malaysia and their experiences used for reference | 2002.5 |
2 | 曾金蒂 | ZENG JIN DI | financial reforms and restructuring of developing countries in the context of financial internationalization: a case of Malaysia | 2002.5 |
3 | 唐钰琳 | TANG YU LIN | operation of asset management companies in Malaysia and their experiences used for reference | 2002.5 |
4 | 韩燕 | HAN YAN | the Asian Tiger's human resource development and economic development | 2002.5 |
5 | 顾延筠 | GU YAN JUN | a review of Asia's newly emerging bond markets and an analysis on their prospects | 2004.5 |
6 | 张秋 | ZHANG QIU | on the shift of ASEAN-4's exchange rate regimes and a brief review of the 'Hollowing out” theory of exchange rate regimes | 2004.5 |
7 | 赵铁山 | ZHAO TIE SHAN | a study on the intra-industry trade between China and ASEAN | 2004.5 |
8 | 余军锋 | YU JUN FENG | study on the social security system in ASEAN-4s | 2004.5 |
9 | 黄亮 | HUANG LIANG | family-controlled corporate governance in East Asia | 2004.5 |
10 | 刘才涌 | LIU CAI YONG | study on Malaysia Labuan international offshore finance center | 2004.5 |
11 | 陈文彬 | CHEN WEN BIN | a study on reforms and development of Philippine banking industry | 2004.5 |
12 | 胡轩 | HU XUAN | a study on Chinese enterprises' direct investment in ASEAN | 2004.5 |
13 | 蓝昕 | LAN XI | a study on ASEAN-4's financial reconstruction since the east Asian financial crisis | 2005.5 |
14 | 宋芸 | SONG YUN | exploration of ASIA-4's asset securitization | 2005.5 |
15 | 唐颖 | TONG YING | a study on tax reform in Indonesia and the Philippines | 2005.5 |
16 | 陈建宇 | CHEN JIAN YU | study on Philippine tariff reform programs since 1980s | 2005.5 |
17 | 周波涛 | ZHOU BO TAO | a study on risk management of Thai commercial banks | 2005.5 |
18 | 匡载辉 | KUANG ZAI HUI | a study on the Chinese enterprises overseas-listing on Hongkong and Singapore stock market | 2005.5 |
19 | 钟鸣长 | ZHONG MING CHANG | study on the modern logistics development in ANIEs-4 | 2005.5 |
20 | 林淑惠 | LIN SHU HUI | study on international competitiveness of ASEAN-5's banking industry | 2006.5 |
21 | 于海军 | YU HAI JUN | a study on financial institutional reforms and transformations in Thailand | 2006.5 |
22 | 任红军 | REN HONG JUN | a study on disposing of Non-performing assets of Korea and Indonesia | 2006.5 |
23 | 李计成 | LI JI CHENG | on the issue of East Asian Main economies' foreign exchange reserve | 2006.5 |
24 | 张洁 | ZHANG JIE | comparing research on China and ASEAN agricultural products trade | 2006.5 |
25 | 张继豪 | ZHANG JI HAO | inquire into the key issues of monetary and financial cooperation in East Asia | 2006.5 |
26 | 郁杳一 | YU YAO YI | studies on Liberalization of ASEAN-5's trade in services | 2006.5 |
27 | 闫森 | YAN SEN | equilibrium exchange rate and exchange rate misalignment in ASEAN-5,1991--2004 | 2006.5 |
28 | 刘静 | LIU JING | study on electricity industry in ASEAN4 | 2006.5 |
29 | 鞠姗 | JU SHAN | a study on Thai policy-based financial institutions --and its enlightenments for China | 2006.5 |
30 | 柳岸林 | LIU AN LIN | a study of location advantages for inward FDI between China and ASEAN5--based on empirical and comparative analysis of performance index and potential index | 2006.5 |
31 | 雷修明 | LEI XIU MING | study on Singapore real estate investment trusts | 2007.5 |
32 | 陈人欢 | CHEN REN HUAN | the development of security investment fund in Hong Kong and Singapore and its inspiration for China | 2007.5 |
33 | 金玉静 | JIN YU JING | study on Indonesia's fuel subsidy | 2007.5 |
34 | 赵亮 | ZHAO LIANG | cross-cultural management of Southeast Asia's Chinese multinational corporations | 2007.5 |
35 | 吴源从 | WU YUAN CONG | the implementation of Basel II in Singapore | 2007.5 |
36 | 阮绍铨 | YUAN SHAO SHUANG | study on development of East Asian free trade areas | 2007.5 |
37 | 郭佳菲 | GUO JIA FEI | Japan-ASEAN regional economical cooperation in East Asia regional economic integration--analysis from the theory of institutions perspective | 2007.5 |
38 | 叶树光 | YE SHU GUANG | study on fair trade of ASEAN-4 | 2007.5 |
39 | 张秋丽 | ZHANG QIU LI | a study on the foreign direct investment in ASEAN-5 | 2007.5 |
40 | 胡建生 | HU JIAN SHENG | studies on development of insurance in ASEAN-4 | 2007.5 |
41 | 江磊 | JIANG LEI | the comparative study on personal income tax in ASEAN-4 | 2007.5 |
42 | 刘欢欢 | LIU HUAN HUAN | study on textile and clothing trade of China and ASEAN-3 | 2007.5 |
43 | 马承文 | MA CHENG WEN | study on international competitiveness of ASEAN-5'trade in service | 2008.5 |
44 | 王琳琳 | WANG LIN LIN | study on R&D investment by TNCs in ASEAN-5 | 2008.5 |
45 | 李小青 | LI XIAO QING | a study on reform of Liberalization and development of ASEAN-5's telecommunication industry | 2008.5 |
46 | 胡晓 | HU XIAO | the corporate government of banks in Thailand | 2008.5 |
47 | 孙巍 | SUN WEI | research on China-ASEAN regional tourism cooperation | 2008.5 |
48 | 张阳 | ZHANG YANG | a study on the Southeast Asia's auto industry and the technological advance in GPNs | 2008.5 |
49 | 李莉 | LI LI | current status of cross-border mergers & acquisitions in Southeast Asia and its implications | 2008.5 |
50 | 伊明萍 | YI MING PING | the study of foreign banks' participation in ASEAN-4 | 2008.5 |
51 | 孟昭坤 | MENG ZHAO KUN | studies on the development of microfinance in ASEAN-4 | 2008.5 |
52 | 张丽华 | ZHANG LI HUA | research on the economic development of Hongkong, Taiwan and Singapore: from the perspective of ethnic Chinese business networks in East Asia | 2008.5 |
53 | 杨琴 | YANG QIN | study on Southeast Asia economic integration | 2008.5 |
54 | 卢文雯 | LU WEN WEN | the research of China-ASEAN cooperation in trade in services | 2008.5 |
55 | 周燕燕 | ZHOU YAN YAN | study on small and medium-sized enterprises financing of ASEAN-4 | 2008.5 |
56 | 王苗 | WANG MIAO | financial development and financial security of East Asian developing economics: cases study of five crisis-stricken countries | 2008.5 |
57 | 夏晶晶 | XIA JING JING | the study on the industry clusters in Philippine | 2009.5 |
58 | 沈璐婷 | CHEN LU TING | the study on the risk management of Philippine commercial banks | 2009.5 |
59 | 郭文静 | GUO WEN JING | the implementation and impact of Japan's FTA strategy in ASEAN | 2009.5 |
60 | 陈伟虎 | CHEN WEI HU | the study on tax reform in Thailand after the East Asian financial crisis | 2009.5 |
61 | 刘娟 | LIU JUAN | the research of retail opening of ASEAN-5 | 2009.5 |
62 | 熊重阳 | XIONG CHONG YANG | the study on the development of Islamic finance in Southeast Asia | 2009.5 |
63 | 邢振 | XING ZHEN | the research of Vietnam emerging stock market | 2009.5 |
64 | 曾慧 | ZENG HUI | the study on the Philippine business process outsourcing and IT services industry | 2009.5 |
65 | 陈建达 | Chen Jian Da | Study on Singapore’s Foreign exchange reserve management model and its experience—also on the status of five countries of Southeast Asia’s foreign exchange reserve management | 2009.5 |
66 | 张婧 | Zhang Jing | The study on the State-owned Enterprises Corporate Governance Model of Singapore | 2009.8 |
67 | 梁爽 | Liang Shuang | The analysis of China’s direct investment in Vietnam | 2009.8 |
68 | 周志伟 | Zhou Zhiwei | Food security research on Indonesia and Vietnam | 2010.6 |
69 | 易选平 | Yi Xuanping | The Research of Malaysia security market development | 2010.6 |
70 | 刘月容 | Liu Yuerong | ASEAN-4’S Banking Industry under the U.S. Financial Crisis | 2010.6 |
71 | 沈建鑫 | Shen Jianxin | The Study on Risk Management of Malaysia Commercial Banks | 2010.6 |
72 | 闻拓莉 | Wen Tuoli | Study on Investment Operations of Pension Fund in Singapore and Malaysia | 2010.6 |
73 | 沈阿丽 | Shen Ali | A Study on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Financing in Singapore and Its Implications for China | 2010.6 |
74 | 杜芳芳 | Du Fangfang | Development of Petroleum Industry in Singapore and Sino-Singapore Energy Cooperation | 2010.6 |
75 | 石乔生 | Shi Qiaosheng | Singapore’s Technology Progress and Its Determinants | 2010.6 |
76 | 徐美红 | Xu Meihong | A Study on Development Model of Philippine Four Major Ethnic Chinese Business Consortia | 2010.6 |
77 | 郭敏 | Guo Min | The Study about the Intra-industry trade of Manufacturing between China and ASEAN | 2010.6 |
78 | 高代淼 | Gao Daimiao | The Comparative study of bond market in ASEAN’s Four Countries | 2010.6 |
79 | 许俊杰 | Xu Junjie | A Study on Vietnamese, Thailand and Indonesian Environment of Foreign Direct Investment | 2010.6 |
80 | 张婧 | Zhang Jing | The Comparative Analysis of Trade in Services between the Republic of Korea and ASEAN | 2010.6 |
81 | [越]周示聿娥 | CHU THI NGOC NGA | Study of The Inflation in Vietnam since Innovation | 2010.6 |
82 | 郭永刚 | Guo Yong Gang | The Research of Singapore’s FDI Outwards | 2011.6 |
83 | 刘 鑫 | Liu Xin | The Research of Cambodia Garment Industry and Its Value Chain | 2011.6 |
84 | 廖洁平 | Liao Jie Ping | Palm Oil Industry Competitiveness between Indonesia and Malaysia——Based on Generalized Double Diamond Model | 2011.6 |
85 | 张 群 | Zhang Qun | The Study on Trade in Health Services of the ASEAN Nations | 2011.6 |
86 | 王 彬 | Wang Bin | The Relationship among Economic Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty in Southeast Asia | 2011.6 |
87 | 孙 涛 | Sun Tao | The Empirical Study of Economic Growth and Electricity Consumption in ASEAN-5 | 2011.6 |
88 | 穆 庆 | Mu Qin | Research on Thailand’s Energy Security Strategy | 2011.6 |
89 | 熊 琦 | Xiong Qi | The Study of Singapore’s Income Distribution | 2011.6 |
90 | 秦 庆 | Qin Qing | The Research of Singapore’s FTA Network | 2011.6 |
91 | 王莎莎 | Wang Sha Sha | The Study on the Development of Investment Banks in Five Countries of Southeast Asia | 2011.6 |
92 | 王怡金 | Wang Yi Jin | Study on Petroleum Industry in Malaysia and Sino-Malaysia Energy Cooperation | 2011.6 |
93 | 李晓菲 | Li Xiao Fei | The Research of International Labor Migration of Philippine | 2011.6 |
94 | 程 博 | Cheng Bo | A Study of Financial Support for Industrial Restructuring of ASEAN-3 | 2011.6 |
95 | 谢忠考 | Xie Zhong Kao | A Study on the Development and Regulating System on Vietnam’s Securities Market | 2012.6 |
96 | 林建坤 | Lin Jian Kun | Study on the Development of Philippines’ Banking Sector since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis | 2012.6 |
97 | 黄晓茜 | Huang Xiao Qian | Study on Airport Economy in Singapore | 2012.6 |
98 | 于晓璐 | Yu Xiao Lu | The Research on the Improvement of Indonesian Banking Supervision System | 2012.6 |
99 | 祝 淼 | Zhu Miao | Study on Financial Liberation in the CLV Countries | 2012.6 |
100 | 陈晓远 | Chen Xiaoyuan | The Study on Port-centric Economy of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand——In the Perspective of Industrial Clusters | 2013.6 |
101 | 韩林峰 | Han Linfeng | Study on the Economic Relations between Indonesia and Japan | 2013.6 |
102 |
| Somlak Kaewchuthaniti | ASEAN Economic Community and the Effect on Thailand Economic | 2013.6 |
103 | 谭文静 | Tan Wenjing | Maritime Industries in ASEAN-5: Comparative Analysis | 2013.6 |
104 | 郭晓丹 | Guo Xiaodan | The Implementation and Impact of Bank Capital Adequacy Supervision Under Basel III in ASEAN 3 | 2013.6 |
105 | 陈惠群 | Chen Huiqun | Study on Shadow Banking System in Malaysia | 2013.6 |
106 | 蔡彬彬 | Ca Binbin | Study on ASEAN-4 Automotive Industry | 2013.6 |
107 | 白 佳 | Bai Jia | Study on the Development of Energy Industry in Vietnam | 2013.6 |
108 | 郭惠琳 | Guo Huilin | Cause Analysis and Policy Response of Malaysia’s Falling into Middle-income Trap | 2014.5 |
109 | 张奥博 | Zhang AObo | Study of Vietnam’s Industrialization | 2014.5 |
110 | 邵 彤 | Shao Tong | Research of Infrastructure and Economic Development of ASEAN Countries | 2014.5 |
111 | 姚元园 | Yao Yuanyuan | The Study of the Natural Rubber Industry in Southeast Asia | 2014.5 |
112 | 庄 毅 | Zhuang Yi | The Research for the Development of Indonesian Non-oil-and-gas Mining Industry | 2014.5 |
113 | 包婉颖 | Bao Wanying | ASEAN connectivity: plan, progress and effectiveness | 2015.5 |
114 | 徐国庆 | Xu Guoqing | RMB Internationalization Research Based on the Perspective of Regional Monetary Cooperation in East Asia | 2015.5 |
115 | 熊云书 | Xiong Yunshu | Impacts of Institutional Change on Laos’ Economic Development——Taking Laos’ Reform and Opening-up Policy & WTO Accessions as Examples | 2015.5 |
116 | 罗春春 | Luo Chunchun | Research on Economic Relations Between Indonesia and United States of America | 2015.5 |
117 | 朱鸿婕 | Zhu Hongjie | A Study on Technological Capabilities Building of Automotive Industry in Thailand | 2015.5 |
118 | 殷 婷 | Yin Ting | Study on the Non-equity Investment of Transnational Corporation in ASEAN | 2015.5 |
119 | 苏平 | WATTANNAYON SUPIT | Research Concerning Foreign Direct Investment of the Chi Tai Group(CP) in a Chinese Market | 2015.5 |
120 | 李 昕 | Li Xin | The Changing of Age Structure and Economic Growth in Southeast Asia | 2016.5 |
121 | 郑艳燕 | Zheng Yanyan | Analysis of Real Estate Development and Investment Environment in ASEAN-5 | 2016.5 |
122 | 程 雪 | Cheng Xue | Study on Indonesian Economic Development and Poverty | 2016.5 |
123 | 王艺蓉 | Wang Yirong | The new Characteristics and Revelation of Japan’s FDI to ASEAN | 2016.5 |
124 | 涂丽婷 | Tu Liting | Research on the Specialization Status of ASEAN in East Asian Regional Production Network | 2016.5 |
125 | 肖秋鹏 | Xiao Qiupeng | Research on Regional Financial Integration in ASEAN | 2016.5 |
126 | 姜轶雄 | Jiang Yixiong | Research on the Economic Fluctuation of Indonesia——Based on MIU model | 2016.5 |
127 | 王又晨 | Wang Youchen | An Analysis of Global Competitiveness in Malaysian Manufacturing | 2017.5 |
128 | 刘净倚 | Liu Jingyi | An Analysis of Development of E-commerce in Six Countries of ASEAN | 2017.5 |
129 |
| Tran Christophe | Obesity: Profit, Loss and Prevention | 2017.5 |
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| Anna Bystrushkina | The Impact of the Changes in the Oil Market on the Performance of Stock Market of the Russian Federation | 2017.5 |
131 | 黄 韬 | Huang Tao | The Study of Biomedical Science Industry’s Development in Singapore (2000-2015) | 2017.5 |
132 | 沐 鸿 | Mu Hong | An Analysis of U.S.-ASEAN Economic Relationship (2000-2016) | 2017.5 |
133 | 陈彦年 | Chen Yannian | A Brief Analysis of Indonesia Maritime Economy and the Future Bilateral Maritime Cooperation between China and Indonesia | 2017.5 |
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| Thaporn Kitcharoenkarnkul | Analysis of Thailand’s Investment Environment | 2017.5 |
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| Benjarat Natenuch | A Comparative Study of Tourism Competitiveness in Thailand | 2017.9 |
136 | 杜声浩 | Du Shenghao | The Position and Competence of ASEAN Countries in the GPN——Research Based on UN comtrade and Tiva Database | 2018.5 |
137 | 梅海阳 | Mei Haiyang | A Study of Thailand’s Marine Economy Development | 2018.5 |
138 | 王 林 | Wang Lin | Study on the Development of Shipbuilding Industry in ASEAN-4 | 2018.5 |
139 | 李 果 | Li Guo | The Studies of Vietnam’s FTA and its effect | 2018.5 |
140 | 张丽娇 | Zhang Lijiao | Comparison of ASEAN-4 Countries’ Banking Risk Management-Principal Compo | 2018.5 |
141 | 朱津辉 | Zhu Jinhui | The Study of the “Rectangular Strategy” of Cambodia | 2018.5 |
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| Metmanychanphavong | Analysis of the Present Situation and Prospect of Laos Attracting Foreign Direct Investment | 2018.5 |
143 | 张 韵 | Zhang Yun | Research of Capital Account Liberalization under the ASEAN Economic Integration Framework | 2018.5 |
144 | 吉伊香 | Ji Yixiang | Comparative Studies of Commercial Banks in Singapore and Hong kong | 2018.5 |
145 | 夏 瑜 | Xia Yu | The Middle Income Trap: Challenges for Indonesia | 2018.5 |
146 | 彭晓钊 | Peng Xiaozhao | Institutional Analysis of Indonesian Economic Development | 2018.5 |
147 | 单 苏 | Shan Su | Research on Malaysian Industrial Structure Transformation | 2019.5 |
148 | 吴若男 | Wu Ruonan | Study on ASEAN Countries’ Fishery Development and its Cooperation with China | 2019.5 |
149 | 许 尚 | Xu Shang | Land Acquisition Risks of China’s Outward Infrastructure Investment——A Case Study of Indonesia and Vietnam | 2019.5 |
150 | 那文鹏 | Na Wenpeng | Study on Indonesian Premature De-industrialization and Industrial Policies | 2019.5 |
151 | 李 笠 | Li Li | Thailand “Industry 4.0” Strategy and Policy Research | 2019.5 |
152 | 储洪峻 | Chu Hongjun | Research on the Development of Information and Communication Industry in Four ASEAN Countries | 2019.5 |
153 | 孙悦琦 | Sun Yueqi | Research on Labor Mobility among ASEAN Countries | 2019.5 |
154 | 杨 慧 | Yang Hui | Researches on Vietnam Taking on the Industry Transfer from China | 2020.6 |
155 | 庄 懿 | Zhuang Yi | An Empirical Study on the Relationship between the Development of the Philippines Financial Industry and Economic Growth | 2020.6 |
156 | 陈卉馨 | Chen Huixin | A Study on Singapore Industrial Transformation for “Industry 4.0” | 2020.6 |
157 | 叶皓明 | Ye Haoming | An Analysis of the Investment and Trade between Taiwan and Vietnam’s Textile Industry | 2020.6 |
158 | 范瑞 | Fan Rui | A Study On the Trade Effect of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Based on Trade Gravity Model and Lall Classification | 2020.6 |
159 | 钱昆 | Qian Kun | Research on the Development of ASEAN Green Bond Market | 2020.6 |
160 | 周恺悦 | Zhou Kaiyue | Study on the Enterprise Heterogeneity Effect on Export Behavior: Evidence from the Manufacturing Industry of Malaysia | 2021.5 |
161 | 胡依林 | Hu Yilin | Study on the Business Environment in Indonesia | 2021.5 |
162 | 张雅冬 | Zhang Yadong | Research on Digital Infrastructure Construction in ASEAN Countries | 2021.5 |
163 | 董宇昕 | Dong Yuxin | Research on Ocean Economy Development in Singapore and Its Cooperation with China | 2021.5 |
164 | 周漱瑜 | Zhou Shuyu | Comparative Research on Digital Economy in Three ASEAN Countries | 2021.5 |
165 | 刘 涵 | Liu Han | Study on Food Security in Indonesia | 2021.5 |
166 | 崔岩巍 | Cui Yan Wei | The Impact of RCEP on China's Economy from the Perspective of East Asian Regional Economy | 2022.5 |
167 | 郑学良 | Zheng Xue Liang | Research on Malaysian producer service industry from the perspective of global value chain | 2022.5 |
168 | 吴柳 | Wu Liu | The Research on the Efficiency of Chinese Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry's Direct Investment in Malaysia -Empirical analysis based on DEA-Malmquist index | 2022.5 |
169 | 杨瑞 | Yang Rui | Power Coordination and Local Embeddedness: Qualitative Comparative Analysis on Operation Security of Chinese Enterprises in Malaysia | 2022.5 |
170 | 赵悦 | Zhao Yue | Research on the Development and Economic Effects of Special Economic Zones and Industrial Estates in Indonesia -Based on Synthetic Control Method | 2022.5 |
171 | 叶好 | Ye Hao | Research on the Global (Regional) Value Chain of ASEAN Electronics and Communication Equipment Manufacturing | 2022.5 |
172 | 闵谭林 | Min Tanlin | Research on the Influence of Human Capital, FDI Openness and Transportation Infrastructure on FDI Technology Spillover in Thailand | 2023.5 |
173 | 彭萌萌 | Peng Mengmeng | Research on the Impact of Singapore’s international financial center construction on economic growth | 2023.5 |
174 | 罗静远 | Luo Jingyuan | The Development and Competitiveness of Marine Industry in Malaysia | 2023.5 |
175 | 李怡童 | Li Yitong | Study on the Effect of Energy Structure Transformation on Carbon Emissions in ASEAN Countries | 2023.5 |
176 | 滕吉鹏 | Teng Jipeng | Institutional Quality, Investment Motivation and Location Choice of China’s Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis based on Ten ASEAN Countries | 2023.5 |
177 | 唐知秋 | Tang Zhiqiu | The Development of Islamic Finance in Malaysia and its Impact on Economic Growth | 2023.5 |
178 | 韩喜 | Han Xi | The Long-Term Impact of the Modern Chinese Diaspora on the Development of Malaysia: A Quantitative Historical Research | 2024.5 |
179 | 郑上宜 | Zheng Shang Yi | Research on the Impact of RTA Digital Trade Rules on the ICT Product Export of ASEAN Countries | 2024.5 |
180 | 吴彦琳 | Wu Yan Lin | The Impact of Shipping Costs on China’s Export Trade: An Empirical Study | 2024.5 |
181 | 周继威 | Zhou Ji Wei | Research on the impact of FDI and green technology innovation on energy efficiency in the six ASEAN countries | 2024.5 |
182 | 李泳琪 | Li Yong Qi | Inclusive Finance and the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Experiences from Middle Income Countries in Asia | 2024.5 |
183 | 万偲蕾 | Wan Si Lei | The Study of the Impact of Thailand Electronic Payment demand on Systemic Risk Spillover of Commercial Banks | 2024.5 |
184 | 柯梦如 | Ke Meng Ru | Research on the Influencing Factors of China’s Location Decision in ASEAN Infrastructure Investment | 2024.5 |