No. 3 ( General Serial No.147) September 2011
ZHOU Fang-ye |
1 |
The Role of the Institution in the Political Transition:
A Study of the Electoral Reform of Thailand
LI Yi-ping |
13 |
On Ethnic Separatist Movements in Maluku, Indonesia since 1999
You Hong-bo |
20 |
US Reaction to the Paracels Battle between PRC and South Vietnam
Du Xiao-rong
CAI Yun |
29 |
Trade Contagion Channel from USA Financial Crisis to East Asian
Emerging Economies
Wu Chong-bo |
40 |
Studies on the Development and Reform of Indonesia’s state-owned
JIANG Yang |
50 |
A study on the characteristics of Overseas Chinese Business Network:
By the perspectives of state and region
Panadda Srisuwannapop
61 |
Chinese Language Education during the Period of the Free Thai Regime
SHAO Xiao |
70 |
Escape from Saigon: The Evacuation Operation of the United States
Shen Yan-qing |
77 |
An Analysis of the Opium Policy of Philippine Government
during U.S. Occupation from the View of the Open Door Policy
ZHANG Yi-ping
XING Han-dong
87 |
Rice trade between the Hainan and Vietnam in the early Qing Dynasty