No. 4( General Serial No.144 ) December 2010
SHEN Hong-fang |
1 |
An Exploration of the Rationalities of Different Responses under CAFTA
SUN Hai-xia
YANG Ling-ling |
13 |
Malaysia auto market:Comparing with Thailand auto market
LI Jin-ming |
22 |
The Legal Status of the U-shaped Line in the South China Sea: Historic Waters, Maritime Boundary or A Line of Islands Ownership?
ZHAO Hai-li |
30 |
The Analysis of the Experiences of Political Development in Thailand
SHI Jun-jie |
37 |
Anglo-American Differences and Coordination Concerning the Dispatch of British Troopsin the Vietnam War
GAO Yan-jie |
43 |
The Unsuccessful Nation Building Policy: the Kennedy Administration and the Failure of the “Strategic Hamlet Program” in South Vietnam during the Early Vietnam War (1961-1963)
LIU Hong
HOU Jia-qi |
49 |
Chinese Society and Political Participation in Contemporary Britain:
A Case Study of the 2010 Election
LI Jing-xuan
QIAN Bin |
62 |
Analysis on New China’s Solving the Food Security issue of returned overseas Chinese and relatives of overseas Chinese
WU Jie-wei |
70 |
Study on the Art of Churches Construction in Southeast:
Cultural Communication and Localization
HAN Zhi-han |
78 |
American Studies of Vietnamese History