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Southeast Asian Affairs 2004.1
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Southeast Asian Affairs


          A Quarterly Journal


                                No.1 , March 2004







Chinese Political Culture and Scholarship on the Malay World

                                                                                                        Wang Gungwu(1)

On the Features of Overseas Minority Ethnic Chinese             Zhao Heman(7)

Changes in Ethnic Chinese Women’s Economic Participation in Malaya During the First Half of the 20th Century: Viewing from the Census        

                                                                                                             Fan Ruolan(17)

Multi-Nationality Coexistence and Racial Discrimination: Two Aspects of the Relations among Nationalities in Modern Southeast Asia

                                                                                                            Chen Yande(27)

China’s Participation in Economic Cooperation in the Mekong Sub-region and Its Progress                                                  

                                                                                                                Wang Qin(39)

Malaysian Government’s Role in Financial Development          Zhao Hong(47)

Growth Engines with a Sound Private SMEs Sector and Knowledge-based Economy: Lesson from Singapore               

Huang Liangwen and Zhuang Wentao(57)

Sino-Vietnamese Border Events in the Qing Dynsty and Their Impacts  

 Sun Hongnian(65)

Analysis of the “1300 Movement” in Myanmar’s Modern History 

Zhang Xudong(75)

Change in the Relations between Suharto and the Army         Chen Songtao(83)


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