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Southeast Asian Affairs 2003.2
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Southeast Asian Affairs


                   A Quarterly Journal


                                No.2 , June 2003







Cultural Pluralism or Assimilation: Huntington’s “Concept of Ethnic Culture” and the Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia                             

                                                                                                             Zhuang Guotu(1)

ASEAN-China FTA: Advantages, Chanllenges and Implications for the Newer ASEAN Member Countries                           

                                                                             (Thi)Tapha Wattanapruttipaisan(11)

On the Economic Fluctuation in Southeast Aisa                                 Wang Qin(24)

Cointegration on the Puzzle of Singapore’s Trade Balance

                                                                                                               Zhao Tieshan(30)

On the Early Colonial Policies of Britain towards Burma         Zhang Xudong(39)

Economic Changes in Overseas Chinese in Burma after Its Independence(1948-1962)

                                                                                                              Fan Hongwei(48)

Changes in the Economic Position of Cambodian Ethnic Chinese since the Late 1980s

 Gao Bin(56)

Studies on “Maritime Silk Road”, 2001 in China()                      Geng Sheng(70)

Portuguese Trade and Clash in the Coastal Areas of Zhengjiang         Liao Dake(83)



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