Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
Developmental Trends of Foreign Capital in Asian Pacific Developing Region after the Financial Crisis
Wang Muheng(1)
Forsaking the Wrong Conception of Single “East Asian Model”
Shen Hongfang(11)
Challenge Facing and Developmental Trends of ASEAN Economic Cooperation
Wu Chen(19)
Sharp Increase of Thai Debts and the Measures for Their Repayment
Xie Zhipeng(25)
Why Does the Development of Sino-Vietnamese Trade Relations Relatively Lag behind?
Pi Jun(31)
Scandal of Bank Bali in Indonesia and Its Impacts Lin Mei(39)
Developmental Status Quo and Trends of the Human Resource in Malaysia
Chen Xin(44)
An Epitome of the Foreign Investments of Ethnic Chinese Businessmen in Southeast Asia: A Case Study of the First of the Pacific Group
Wang Yan(49)
On the Historical Development of the Suzerain-vassal Relations between China and Vietnam
Chen Shuangyan(54)
Status Quo and Developmental Trends of the Political Position of the Ethnic Chinese Communities in Southeast Asia
Wang Wangbo(66)
From PARIS TREATY to TYDINGS-MCDUFFIC LAW: the Evolution and Influences of US Tariff & Trade Policies towards the Philippines during US Rule Period
Yang Hongyun(75)
Coastal Prohibition in the early Qing Dynasty and Xiamen Foreign Trade under the Control of Zheng Chenggong’s Forces
Feng Lijun(85)