Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
The Identify of the Australian Chinese Community: A Case Study of Hong Kong Migrants in Queenland
Su Mingxian Don McMillen(1)
Shi Tang and Chang Sha in Chinese South Sea Frontiers Li Jinming(30)
How Western Tourists Looked at Fujian in Middle Ages Liao Dake(42)
On Economic and Technological Cooperation in APEC Shen Hongfang(48)
Economic Situation in ASEAN in 1997 and the Prospects Chen Ning(52)
Economic Cooperation between ASEAN and India: Present Situation and the Prospects
Xu Bin(59)
Supply and Demand of oil and Economic Development in Indonesia
Wang Muheng(65)
The Reform of State-Owned Enterprise in Vietnam Lin Mei(72)
Foreign Direct Investment in Laos Yang Weizhong(79)
The Rapid Rise of Ethnic Chinese Conglomerates in Singapore
Wang Qin(84)