Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
Financial Reform of the ASEAN Countries Zhao Hong(1)
Japanese Policy of Economic Assistance to S.E. Asia Zhang Guang(7)
Foreign Investment in Vietnam since 1988 Pi Jun(17)
Petro-chemical Industry in Singapore Wang Muheng(24)
United Overseas Bank Group of Singapore Wang Qin(32)
Lucio Tan and the Development of his Enterprise Group in the Philippines
Jiang Xiding(39)
On Economic Diplomacy of Ramos Government Shen Hongfang(46)
Economic Relations between China and Australia: Retrospect and Prospects
Liu Zhiyong(53)
On Social Thought of Tan Kah Kee Sun Qian(60)
The Commercial Relationship between Chinese Junks and Dutch East India Company in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties
Nie Dening(67)
Sino-American Trade in Guangzhou before the Opium War Li Jinming(75)
On Samir Amin’s Theory on Capital Outflow Qian Jianxing(81)
On the Road of Developing S & T Li Ziren(88)
Executive Editor: Liao Shaolian