Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
Population Structure of Overseas Chinese in S.E. Asia after the Opium War
Zhuang Guotu(1)
Overseas Migration from Western Fujian During the Period of the Republic of China
Wu Fengbin(10)
Overseas Chinese Investment in Chaozhou Area Lin Jinzhi(18)
On the Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurs’ Foundation in Indonesia
Cai Renlong(28)
On Economic Motives of Religious Beliefs in the Philippine Chinese Society
Chen Yande(35)
The Rediscovery of Rhemrev Report——Dutch Historical Document on Coolie Scandal
Li Minghuan(43)
Open-door Policy and Overseas Trade in the Tang Dynasty
Li Jinming(50)
Modern Economic Relations between China and Singapore
Nie Dening(58)
Symbiotic Relationship between the Government and the Trade Union
in Singapore Chen zhimin, Zhu Shaowen(66)
The Reform of State-owned Enterprises in Indonesia Huang Dinglan(75)
The Development of S & T in the ASEAN Countries Liao Shaolian(81)
On Correct Understanding of Outward-looking Economy Li Ziren(89)
Executive Editor: Liao Shaolian