Southeast Asian Affairs
A Quarterly Journal
Indonesia’s Recent Achievements and Problems in Absorbing Foreign Capital
Huang Dinglan(1)
Development of Agribusiness in the Philippine Rural Areas
Shen Hongfang(8)
Singapore’s Exchange Rate and Monetary Policies during the “Take-off” Period
Zhou Xing, Lin Qingsheng(16)
Economic Relations between Thailand and Kampuchea in the 1990s
Xie Zhipeng(23)
Malaysia’s New Economic Policy and its Impacts on Higher Education
Zhang Guocai(29)
Evolution of Socio-Economic Development Concepts Li Ziren(37)
On the Currency Used on the Southern Silk Route Sun Zhongwen(46)
Maritime Trade between China and Japan during the Early Qing Dynasty
Li Jinming(53)
Chinese Migrants and Productuin Technologies Transfer in Southeast Asia
in the 16th and 17th Centuries Zheng Fuhong(62)
On National Education in Indonesia between 1900 and 1942
Li Minghuan(76)
Wong Nai Siong’s New Fuzhou Farm: Reasons for the Establishment and its Impacts
Wu Fengbin(85)
Tjoa Ing Hwie Family and the Gudang Garam Group Cai Renlong(96)
Book Review: A New Achievement in Research on Policies towards
Overseas Chinese Chen Senzhen(106)
Executive Editor: Liao Shaolian