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Malaysia, OIC and the Sino-Malaysian relations


Isa Ma, lecturer, Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya

马子良 马来亚大学中国研究所


本文的主要目的是讨论马来西亚与回教大会组织(穆斯林国家组织,简称: OIC),以及对应的非回教国家(中国)的三角关系。本文试图论证伊斯兰教仍然继续扮演着重要的角色,影响着马来西亚对回教国家,以及对非回教国家(如中国)的外交行为和政策。第一部分介绍马来西亚外交政策中的伊斯兰元素,以及与马来西亚穆斯林世界打交道时应该所遵守的国际行为准则,第二部分讨论马来西亚与回教大会组织 (OIC)的关系,从而折射出与其对应的中国的关系,第三部分讨论马来西亚与中国的关系。




China’s Recent Studies on Malaysian Chinese


Li Guoliang, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University












Analysis of Some Problems regarding Malaysian Chinese’s Investment in China略论马来西亚华商在中国投资的若干问题

Loh Yoong Keong, Malaysian councilor, Attorney


Ang Lay Hoon, Lecturer and Faculty of Modern Language and Communication Universiti Putra Malaysia

洪丽芬 博特拉大学讲师



[摘要] 马中自1974年建交以来,马来西亚华商赴华投资经历了一段曲折的发展过程。从马来西亚初期的种种限制赴华政策至后来的开放措施,从中国初期的无法可依至后期的有法可循,无不给马来西亚华商开创了良好的投资中国环境。然而今天马来西亚的一部分华商,在各种投资保护、便利和自由化措施等利好因素下,仍然无法在这块常被誉为“乡情浓厚”、“商机无限”、“语言文化相通”的大地发挥优势;究其因,除了归咎于某些客观与无法避免的商业风险之外,还存在着一些特定的主观因素。本文以总体实践分析方式,试图就马来西亚华商对中国外资法律政策的错误认知以及中国现行外资法律政策的一些瑕疵等问题加以探讨,并提出应对之策,为一部分裹足不前的马来西亚华商重新吹起激励的号角,也为中国制定富前瞻性的宏观引资战略、切实可行的政策措施和完善的法律机制,提供一点浅见。


[关键词] 马来西亚 华商 中国投资


A Study on the Establishment of Guanchang in Malacca


Shi Ping, Director, Institute of Marine Culture Studies, Shanghai Maritime University







Malaysia-China Relations: The Roles of Chinese Malaysian and the Muslim Chinese of China  


Chia Oai Peng, Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya



Malaysia and China established diplomatic relation in 1974 but there was not much progress in the bilateral relations until end of 1989. From 1990 onwards the two nations witnessed leaps and bounds in the bilateral relations. However, there is room for the two nations to improve their bilateral relations in various aspects, especially the social and economic sectors.

Obstacles facing Malaysia-China relations include the existence of Malayan Communist Party that no longer exist since the 1990’s, Malay perception of China and the Chinese people, the ascendance of China and its implications to Southeast Asia, and the competition of getting access to China market among ASEAN nations.

This paper attempts to highlight the factor of Malay perception of China and the Chinese, as it is closely associated to the ethnic relations and historical incidents in Malaysia. Malaysia and the government in particular are very much aware of the importance of establishing close and strategic relations with China in order to share the benefits in the huge China market. However, as illustrated in recent years, there are incidents showing that there are hiccups here and there in the two country relations. Though these incidents may be manageable, but the refractions are distorted in great magnitude and hurt the relations.

Other factors will also be discussed in the context of domestic history and ethnic relations. There may be many other factors as well that are at play. However, this paper will only focus on these few factors that are mentioned. This paper also attempts to look at the role of Chinese Malaysian in promoting stronger and closer Malaysia-China relations.



Desecuritizing China: Changes of "China Threat" Perception and Malaysian Chinese in Malaysia


Ho Khai Leong, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore



The perception of China as a threat to the political and economic securing in the region among Malaysian political leaders has undergone a sea change in the last three decades. From a communist threat to being a friend, from a threat to an opportunity, China’s image in Malaysia has been a complete reversal. What accounts for such a change? Many analysts have argued that the large proportion of ethnic Chinese in the country has attributed to the threat perception in the formative years of nation-building in Malaysia (1950s and 60s), and that the changes of Malaysian national leaders (predominantly Malays) about China are largely a result of the transformation within the ethnic Chinese community. The ethnic Chinese has shrunk in number, its education has been a plus, and its willingness to work with the Malay leaderships, all these have somewhat changed the perception of Chinese and by extension the China threat.


Paradigm Shift in China’s Trade Policy and Sino-Malaysian Relations: The Regional Implications of ACFTA


Yeoh Kok Kheng, University of Malaya



Recent years have witnessed a shift in China’s trade policy in favour of preferential trade

agreements – a remarkable change from the country’s earlier, largely negative, skepticism towards a more positive attitude and active participation. This shift began to occur since the 1997 East Asian financial crisis and picked up speed after the country’s accession to the WTO in December 2001. Launched at the China-ASEAN summit in Phnom Penh in November 2002, the China-ASEAN FTA (CAFTA/ACFTA) process represents the milestone of a paradigm shift in China’s trade policy. The forming of the ACFTA, despite its objective to intensify trade and investment between ASEAN and China, also paves the way towards wider East Asian economic cooperation. ACFTA could facilitate future East Asian economic integration as it can serve as a model in the future expansion of the free trade area to include Japan and Korea. Indeed, the progress of ACFTA with accelerated trade flows has already encouraged Japan and Korea to seek closer economic relationship with ASEAN. The underlying reason for Malaysia to participate in an FTA is to enlarge its market access opportunity through the granting of the reduction or elimination of tariff on goods. FTA is also considered a facilitating tool to promote trade, investment and enhance competitiveness. Apart from the economic factors, strategic and political reasons are also considerations for forging preferential economic relations because such relations can be used as a tool to build political trust among member countries and promote regional stability. While used strategically with careful policy design to serve the growth objective ACFTA may offer Malaysia substantial potential gains through competition and scale effects, there are also uncertainties that influence the trade effects of ACFTA on Malaysia. For instance, Malaysia will encounter a certain amount of other challenges such as competition in the substitutes between Malaysia and other ASEAN members in the China market. Malaysian producers also face increasing competition from China, both at home and in third-country markets, particularly on a wide range of labour- and technology-intensive manufacturing sectors. Besides, there is also the possibility of trade diversion effect from the ASEAN market towards China as its attention is diverted to the China market.



The causes and implications of fertility decline among Malaysian Chinese


Tey Nai Peng, Associate Professor, University of Malaya



Abstract:The Malaysian Chinese have undergone rapid fertility transition. The total fertility rate has reached below replacement level of 1.8 in 2004 and 1.7 in 2005. The Malaysian Chinese are “catching up” with other overseas Chinese in fertility decline.

A multitude of factors have resulted in fertility transition among Malaysian Chinese. Urbanization, improvement in education, female labour force participation and improvement in the status of women have brought about significant changes in the norms toward family formation and childbearing. Malaysian Chinese women have overtaken the men in higher education, and more and more are entering the labour market where work is incompatible with maternal roles. A series of household surveys (1974, 1984, 1988, 1994 and 2004) show wide variations in fertility, marriage and contraceptive use across the various socioeconomic groups. Delayed and non-marriage have become more prevalent, consequent upon changes in gender roles. The high cost of having children and lack of childcare support may also have inhibited childbearing.

Rapid fertility decline among Malaysian Chinese has resulted in a low rate of population growth and significant changes in the ethnic composition and family structure. It will bring about the ageing of population and pose challenges in the care of the older people. On the other hand, the smaller family size has enabled Malaysian Chinese to invest more on children’s education, which in turn is likely perpetuate the low level of fertility.

The Malaysian Chinese population is projected to increase slowly by a million to peak at about 6.6 million by the year 2030. There will be dramatic changes in the age structure, with rapid increase in older population and decrease in the youth population. The age structural change would have far reaching implications on the family and social organizations.



Malaysian Politics and Sino-Malaysian Relations


Balakrishnan RK Suppaiah, University of Malaya



Malaysia-China relations cannot be explained without taking into account the domestic context of the Malaysian society and polity. Albeit its flaws and limitations, Malaysia is still a democratic society. The formation of its government is made of various constituents of mainly ethnic-based parties under the umbrella of the National Front (Barisan Nasional). The opposition coalition too in a way operates under such circumstances with a particular identity mainly revolving around the ethnic or religious identities for support. Hence, ethnicity and politics is an ineluctable process without which a stable government that is internationally approved is difficult to come about.

On the other hand, the formation of Malaysia’s foreign policy may not be always a reflection of the ethnic bargaining. While the consideration is always based upon the political elite involved and to a greater extent the national interest, the case of Malaysia’s policy towards China is an exception. The context within which the ethnic-based domestic political considerations operate in the making of Malaysia’s policy towards China is indeed enormous. Although political leaders may not state such interest in their articulation of Malaysia’s foreign policy, its latency and presence in the mind of the ruling elite cannot be dismissed. This paper will provide the necessary backdrop for Malaysia-China relations from the domestic political context and perspectives. It will explain the political power of the Chinese community without which the formation of an orderly democratic government can be daunting. The demonstration of the political power of the Malaysian Chinese will also reveal that how it is an important element of the foreign policy consideration for the ruling elites, especially among the Malay leaders and hence impacting upon Malaysia-China relations. Lastly the paper will also deal briefly on opportunity and challenges in Malaysia-China relations, especially from an economic point of view since the economic uprising of China is of global concern.



Taiwan Factor in Sino-ASEAN Relations


Lin Juoyu, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Tamkang University



Taiwan factor in Sino-ASEAN relations is not so sensitive as in Sino-US relations in 1980’s. But from ten years ago, the PRC adopted “good neighbor” policy and paid more attention to Southeast Asian countries. So that Taiwan factor becomes key point to impact on Sino- ASEAN relations which has same nature as in Sino- US relations.

From the different strategic interests of each side, the deep concern in Southeast Asia of China would be more political and diplomatic; for the ASEAN’s perspective, it would be more comprehensive; for Taiwan’s perspective, it would be more economic. Obviously, it’s not smart for each side to pursue or build a hard-line alliance against any big power in East Asia.

This paper has definitions related what’s the implications for Taiwan factor in Sino-ASEAN relations, and presents some evidences in multilateral, bilateral and unilateral level to clarify the impacts on Sino-ASEAN relations. The author provides some more facts, materials and criterias to justify the outcomes and influences on Sino-ASEAN relations.

Is Taiwan as a role of “Leverage” in this region? Or what role should Taiwan play? This paper suggests Taiwan can be regarded as a constructive economic partner with PRC as well as ASEAN, and highlight the reason why the PRC and ASEAN should engage Taiwan together in human security and non-traditional security fields.



Key words: power balance, hegemony, Taiwan factor, China, ASEAN, triangular relations, ASEAN+1, ASEAN+3, strategic interests



Structure and functions of the Nagasaki Office of Chinese Interpreters in the 17th Century


Patrizia Carioti, Associate Professor, Department of Asia Studies, Oriental University of Naples



After defeating his enemies and rising to power in 1603, Tokugawa Ieyasu proceeded to organise the centralization of the archipelago as well as the welcoming policy toward the Overseas Chinese, but with the precise aim of canalizing the international commerce of the archipelago, either conducted by the Japanese or carried out by the Chinese, under governmental management. Also with regard to Nagasaki, the first shōgun adopted a careful policy of protection and control toward the Chinese. Between 1603 and 1604, he instituted the first tōtsuji, Fang Liu (died 1624), to which it was almost immediately necessary to add more interpreters. A few decades later, in the middle of the 17th Century, there was the formal institution of the Tōtsūji Kaishō, the “Office of the Chinese Interpreters”, with many fundamental functions: the Office became fully developed from the second half of the 17th Century onwards. The first basic task was, as can easily be understood, translation from and into Chinese, Dutch, Japanese (but also still using Portuguese during the first decades of the 17th Century): this assignment allowed the tōtsūji to play the fundamental role of intermediation between the Chinese and the Japanese authorities, as well as with the Europeans, that is to say obtaining enormous influence. Checking the written text and finding all expressions referring to Christianity were important tasks, after the decree of 1614 prohibiting the Catholic Religion. Keeping peace and order within the Chinese community and among the Chinese settlers and the Japanese people was also a very important and delicate role they had to concern themselves with. The control and the supervision of commercial transactions upon the arrival of Chinese merchant ships were fundamental functions as well, and actually the most important, as they gave the tōtsūji remarkable economic power, and therefore partly political power too.

It can be said that the tōtsūji acted as a direct intermediary for the Japanese authorities both in their relations with the Europeans and even more so in all respects of their interaction with the Overseas Chinese Community of Nagasaki, as well as with regard to the entire ambit of the international relations between China and Japan.

This research, which takes into consideration the Overseas Chinese in Nagasaki, presents some of the obtained results in the Research Project “The Overseas Chinese in Nagasaki between the 16th and the 17th Centuries: A Preliminary Investigation”, realised thanks to the support and to the generous fellowship granted by The Japan Foundation of Tōkyō



Development of Malaysian Energy Sources and Strategy of Sino-Malaysian Cooperation


Liao Xiaojian, Vice-Director, Institute of Overseas Chinese Studies, Jinan University




[关 键 词] 马来西亚; 能源发展; 中马能源合作



The Establishment of Merdeka University


Cao Shuyao, Associate Professor, General Education Center Tunghai University





When Nanyang University was founded at Jurong, Singapore in 1956, it seemed that the Chinese people in Malaya had made their dream to establish a Chinese university come true. When Singapore separated from Federation of Malaysia in 1965, Nanyang University became a “foreign” university. The Malaysian Chinese thus wanted to have their own university. This proposed university was called Merdeka University. The project had never been materialized. Nonetheless, the proposed project had great impact on the development of Chinese education in Malaysia. In this paper, I try to made a inquiry into the emergence, process and effect of the Merdeka University.



Keywords: Merdeka University, Chinese education, Malaysia





Malaysian Industrial Policies And Its Model of Industrialization: A Comparative Perspective


Shen Hongfang, Senior Researcher, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies & Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University



【关键词】马来西亚 工业化政策与发展模式 比较研究



Abstract: Malaysian economic development is one of the best among East Asian newly industrializing countries. This is attributing mainly to its industrial policies made by Malaysian government leading to a successful model of industrialization. In comparison with other East Asian developing countries in particular, Malaysian industrialization has undergone the development stage of heavy industry, or, import substitution II that has greatly strengthened its economic position of strength as well as competitiveness of export commodities. Malaysian government is playing a role of strong interference in the process of its industrialization and providing comprehensive combinational policies that are in accord with internal requirement of industrial development. Thus, Malaysian experience of Industrialization proved that the implementation of import substitution II is not the major factor of hindering economic growth and development, and industrial policies which are denounced as “duty” for distortion of prices and nourish corruption by main stream doctrine are still needed.


Keywords: Malaysia; industry policies and model; comparative study





National Export Competitiveness of the ASEAN-5


Wang Qin, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

王 勤,厦门大学南洋研究院教授


摘 要:东盟五国(印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡和泰国)是世界重要的出口地区,2005年东盟五国总体在世界货物出口贸易的排名中列第四位,仅次于德国、美国、中国。本文将借鉴和运用工业竞争力指数(CIP)、显示比较优势指数(RCA)、国际市场占有率等测度指标,对东盟五国的出口竞争力进行实证研究。






Malaysian Chinese and Development of the Prewar Sino-Malaysian Trading Relations


Nie Dening, Vice-Dean, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies & Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University






Malaysia’s Ethic Policy And Its Equal Growth


Lin Yong, Junior Researcher, Institute of Overseas Chinese Studies, Fujian Academy of Social Sciences



[内容摘要] 马来西亚的族群政策是以马来人优先为基本原则的族群保护政策。独立以来马来西亚取得了快速的经济增长,在消除贫困和缩小族群经济差距方面也取得了不小的成就,但这些成就并不能简单地归功于其族群政策。与此同时,马来西亚社会贫富差距和族群内部的贫富差距却在日益恶化,族群关系日趋紧张,国民团结受到危害,族群政策对此产生了严重的影响,一定程度上阻碍了马来西亚的公平增长。


[关键词] 马来西亚 族群政策 公平增长


Abstract : Malaysia’s ethnic policy is on the principle of “Malays First”. Since independence, Malaysia has achieved fast economic growth , succeeded in poverty reduction and improved ethnic economic equality. But we couldn’t attribute all these to its ethnic policies. At the same time, under these ethnic policies, Malaysia’s social inequality and economic gap within each race especially Malay have been worsened, ethnic relations and national unity have been hurt. All this hampered Malaysia’s “Growth with Equality” someway. In the future, Malaysia’s ethnic policies have to be reformed and adjusted.


Key words: Malaysia; Ethic Policy ; Equal Growth


The Evolution of Women NGOs in Malaysia


Wang Hu, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

王 虎,厦门大学南洋研究院讲师






Malaysian Chinese’s Response to Chen Shuibian’s Independent Taiwan Road


Hou Kok Chung, Director, Institute of Chinese Studies/Associate Professor , University of Malaya






比较值得注意的是会长李三春。李三春祖籍湖北天门,于1935年出生在马来西亚彭亨,曾在 1974年至1982年担任马来西亚最大的华人政党,即马华公会的总会长。李三春退出政坛后,一直都保持低调。在2003年的一次少见的记者访谈中,直言其反对“台独”主张。根据陈凯希所言,他连同华总、商联会和乡团领导人看了访谈新闻,即接触李三春,并要求他出面召集及商讨台海问题。


对马来西亚来说,陈水扁的“台独”主张是一个重要的课题。影响马来西亚言论最主要的报章如《星洲日报》、《南洋商报》等一向都对台湾问题或陈水扁的言论极为关注。但是马来西亚华社对台湾问题一向仅是停留在“关心”层次,像一中促进会那样以团体的身份公开反应还是第一回。马来西亚华人对台海问题一向冷眼旁观,但是自从陈水扁2000年上台以后,一些重要的华团领导人对其“台独”言论渐感不安,2004 年总统选举陈水扁提出“防卫性公投”,华社领袖第一次自动加入战围,在一个族群关系极为敏感的国度里,实属少见。






Zhang Yunan, Vice Concolate of Penang from China and Leader of the Chinese Society


Chong Siou Wei, Assist. Professor University Tunku Abdul Rahman






Traditional Scholars in Modern Malaysia: Shen Moyu’s Cultural Practices

传统的士在现代马来西亚: 淺论沈慕羽的文化实践

Yap Hon Lun, University of Malaya



“士”是“道”的承担者,以“道”作为“士”的价值取向的最后依据,为“士”灌注了一种理想主义的精神,使他们能够超越个人的利害得失,转而对整体社会倾注深厚的关怀。 这种深厚而终极的关怀,当然具有不同的面向。“天下有道则见,无道则隐。”(《论语?泰伯》)学而优则仕,所托付的是一种道德使命感,更重要的是为经邦济世所以出仕,这是“士”的经世精神的积极面。出仕的依据则视乎“道”是否能够实现。如“道”之不行,经世转向消极面,则多为文化和社会批判。中外的评论研究都说明了“士”与现代西方意义上的知识分子有许多共同重合之处。当中的区别点,或许就在于“士”以“道”为己任,其精神内涵与实践方式略有不同。

在颜清湟教授对新马华人社会的研究里,“士”阶层以其现代面貌出现在“商、士、工”的三层阶级结构之中,屈居于商人阶级之下,而有别于中国传统的四民结构。 这一点是合乎实情的。然而,王赓武教授的意见应该得到相同的关注;即这里的“士”阶级与传统的“士”的概念不同,在东南亚社会也不容易构成一个特殊阶级。这样的分歧主要在于“士”的定义以及不同时空中的现实差异。尽管如此,这个歧义并未对本文的论旨形成矛盾,反而增添了本文讨论的意义。本文所要讨论的主人翁沈慕羽先生身处现代的马来(西)亚,所展现的是传统意义上的“士”的精神面貌。本文尝试从沈慕羽现已将近94年的人生历程中,所面对的种种人生的考验以及生命的历练,整理其文化实践上的意义。


Analysis on Confucianlism and Malaysian Chinese Politics


Wong Wun Bin, Assist. Professor University Tunku Abdul Rahman





The Unsubstituted Human Resources


Li Qirong, Director, School of History and Culture, Huazhong Normal University



内容摘要 马来西亚是一个多民族国家,华人人口占马来西亚总人口的1/3左右,是马来西亚的第二大族群。华人在马来西亚现代化进程中起了重要的作用。这些作用主要表现在三个方面:一是华人是马来西亚经济现代化的先驱者;二是华人是马来西亚政治现代化发展的推动者;三是华人是马来西亚多元文化的建设者。总之,作为人力资源的华人在马来西亚现代化中发挥了不可替代的作用,功不可没,华族资源是一种财富,我们应该加以充分的肯定。


关键词 马来西亚 华人 现代化 人力资源 作用


Abstract Malaysia is a multiple nation. Chinese population holds about one of three in the Malaysia total population and second biggest clan group. Chinese play important role in Malaysia modernization process. These roles mainly display three: one is that Chinese is a pioneer of constricting economic moderation. Second is that Chinese is promoter in political modernization Malaysia. The third is that Chinese is constructor of diversify culture Malaysia .In conclusion, Chinese as a great reserve labor power bring into play connoted substitute for role in Malaysia modernization and contribution cannot obliterated. Chinese clan material is riches and so we should affirm it.


Key words: Malaysia; Chinese; Modernization; labor power resources; roles



Evolution and Assessment of Malaysian Strategy of Technological Development


Li Yi, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

李 毅,厦门大学南洋研究院讲师

摘 要:技术进步是发展中国家经济持续发展的核心。本文主要探讨马来西亚政府技术发展战略的三次转变过程,从理论上分析金融危机后技术发展政策演化的特征,同时指出近年来马来西亚研发模式的转变。

关键词: 马来西亚 技术战略 R&D


Abstract: Technology progress has been the nucleus of sustained economic development in developing countries. This paper focuses on the process of three transformations in Malaysian policy evolution in technological development after the financial crisis from theoretical dimension, and points out the recent changes in Malaysian R&D pattern.




Dong Jiao Zong and Malaysian Chinese Organizations


Mok Soon Chong, University of Malaya






Sino-Malaysian Relations in the 1970s


Yu Changsen, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Zhongshan University






Survey of South Korean Chinese Society


Cui Zhiying, Dean, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Tongji University






Study on the Cultural State of Malaysian Chinese Society in the Late Qing Dynasty

南溟地僻有音乐 终岁尝闻丝竹声——清末马来亚华侨社会的文明状态研探

Gao Weinong, Institute of Overseas Chinese studies, Jinan University





Decolonialisation and Native Return:Postcolonial Nativeness in Wong


Zhu Chongke, Chinese Department , Zhongshan University










Predicament of Malaysian Chinese Newspapering


Zhan Guanqun, Department of History, Fujian Normal University




Studies on New Measures and Effect of ASEAN Countries to Strengthen the Competitiveness of Textile and Garment Sector in the Post Quotas Era


Wu Chongbo, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University





关键词:东盟国家 后配额时代 纺织服装业



Harmony Concept of Overseas Chinese and Its Practice Mode: Experience of Malaysian Chinese Society


Wu Qianjin, Senior Researcher, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies Shanghai Academy of social sciences





【主题词】马来西亚 华人社会 和谐理念 价值实践



The Development of Sino-Malaysian Economic and Trade Relations and the Role of Overseas Chinese Businessmen


Li Hongjie, Director, Overseas Chinese studies Fujian Academy of Social Sciences









Synergy and Development of Ethnic Culture


Ong Swee Kok, Paratuan Alumi Univasiti Cina, Malaysia (Deputy President)









Malaysian Cinese


Wu Zongyu, Beijing Foreign Studies University







Overseas Chinese and the diffusion and development of Traditional Chinese medicine in Singapore and Malaysia since 1840


Feng Lijun, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University



[摘 要] 本文主要分析了中医师南来新加坡和马来西亚的原因,论述了他们在新马的医药活动,并以此来说明他们在弘扬和发展中医药以及促进中医药走向世界为人类的健康服务方面所作的贡献。


[关键词] 新加坡;马来西亚;华侨华人;中医药


Abdullah Badawi and Malaysia’s New Looking-East Policy


Zhao Hong, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

赵 洪,厦门大学南洋研究院副教授




One Party Autocracy and Malaysian Politics


Li Yiping, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University






Negative Factors in Sino-Malaysian Relations


Zhao Haili, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University



自1974年中国与马来西亚建交以来,中马关系经受住了时间和国际风云变幻的考验,获得了长足的进展。两国政治上彼此信任、相互支持,经济上互利互惠、合作发展,文化上频繁交流、相互尊重。双方在国际和地区事务中,特别是在促进东亚事务方面也进行了卓有成效的合作。伴随着 2003 年中国与东盟《东南亚友好合作协定》的签署与《中华人民共和国与东盟国家领导人联合宣言》的发布,马来西亚与其它东盟国家一道开始同中国建立起了“面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系”。可以预见,这种友好的势头会在今后相当长的一段时期内继续发展,并在中国与东盟自由贸易区建成之时达到新的水平。然而,这是否就意味着在未来的双边关系发展过程中,就没有什么障碍或者说非益因素存在呢?答案是否定的。尽管发展中马关系的积极因素占主导地位,但有些非益因素还存在或者将会滋生。对于这些非益因素,笔者认为应该未雨绸缪,尽早给予足够的重视,认真思考,以防患于未然。本文的主旨就是探索在未来的中马关系中,可能存在的非益因素,求教于方家,引起关注。



Estimating the Amount of Overseas Chinese Remittances During the Qing Dynasty and Its Social Influences


Wang Fubin, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University






A Brief Introduction of The Early South-East Asian Studies in English (1786——1877)


Liew Boon Hooi 廖文辉





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