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Dr. Shi Yuning
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Name: Shi Yuning

Position:Assistant Professor

Research Field:Political economy, development economics, critical finance, with the special focus on China and Southeast Asian countries

Office: Nan’an Building 206



2018-2024 Ph.D., Economics, SOAS, University of London.

2017-2018 M.A., International Political Economy, University of Warwick

2015-2017 B.Sc., Money, Banking and Finance, University of Birmingham (Joint Degree)

2013-2017 B.Sc. Economics with Minor in Finance, Southwestern University of Economics and Management (Joint Degree)

Work Experience:

2020-2021 SOAS, University of London Mathematics for Economists (UG Yr2)Tutor

2019-2020 University of Warwick Applied Econometrics (UG Yr2)Tutor


Principles of economics (UG 2025-2026 spring)

Research Projects:

Financing of large enterprises of China’s state sector

How does geopolitical relation between countries affect the crude oil prices.

Financialisation of the Chinese economy: a critical perspective from the state sector (monograph)


·Shi, Y. (2023). Is China financialised? The significance of two historic transformations of Chinese finance. New Political Economy, 29(2), 305–320.

·Yuning Shi (2023) “The Chinese Hegemonic Challenge” in The State of Capitalism: Economy, Society, and Hegemony after the Pandemic, Verso, London.

·Lo, D & Y. Shi. (2021). China versus the US in the pandemic crisis: governance and politics confronting systemic challenges, Canadian Journal of Development Studies , 42(1-2), 90-100, DOI: 10.1080/02255189.2020.1839393.

·石玉凝,卢荻 (2021)《全球疫情危机中的中国与美国——面对系统性挑战的治理和政治》, 《政治经济学报》,第21卷,第43-56页。

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