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  Associate Professor Zhang Miao    Hot     ★★★ 【字体:
Associate Professor Zhang Miao
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Dr. Zhang Miao

Position: Associate Professor

Areas of Expertise: Institutional Economics, Economy of Southeast Asia, China Studies

Office: Room 312(2), Nan’an Building, Xiamen University


Dr. Zhang Miao is Associate Professor of School of International Relations / Research School for Southeast Asian Studies at Xiamen University. She was previously Research Fellow at Institute ofChina Studies at University of Malaya. Her previous writings have appeared in a number of international journals such asJournal of Contemporary Asia, Habitat International, Cities, Journal of Asia Pacific EconomyandJournal of Asia Pacific Economy.She has undertaken several consultancies for international agencies, including United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Japan-ASEAN Center, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and so on. Dr. Zhang has frequently contributed commentaries toFinancial Times (,Sin Chew DailyandOriental Daily.

Postal Address

Nan’an Building, Xiamen University,

No. 422, Siming South Road,

Siming District, 361005,

Xiamen, Fujian Province,




1. M. Zhang & R. Rasiah (2015) Institutionalization of State Policy: Evolving Urban Housing Reforms in China, Springer, ISBN: 978-981-287-569-3; 2.

Chapter in Book

1. M. Zhang & R. Rasiah (2015) Globalization, Industrialization and Labour Markets in China. In R. Rasiah, B. McFarlane & S. Kuruvilla (Ed.),Globalization, Industrialization and Labour Markets in East and South Asia, pp. 14-41, Routledge.

2. K. C. Cheong, R. Li & M. Zhang (2015). The Chinese State, State Enterprises and the Global Crisis. In Terence Gomez, Francois Bafoil & K. C. Cheong (Ed.),Government-Linked Companies and Sustainable, Equitable Development. pp. 39-59, Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-1138801455; ISBN-10: 1138801453; nts

3. D.T. K. Wong & M. Zhang (2019) The Rise of China’s Economy and its Impact on the Ethnic Chinese Business Community: The Case of Cherry Automobile in Malaysia. In: Santasombat Y. (Ed.)The Sociology of Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore

Article in Academic Journals (Selected)

1. M. Zhang, R. Rasiah & K.Y.J. Lee (2017) Navigating a Highly Protected Market: China’s Chery Automobile in Malaysia,Journal of Contemporary Asia, 47:5, 774-791, DOI: 10.1080/00472336.2017.1345000 (SSCI)

2. M. Zhang & R. Rasiah (2016) Localization of State Policy: Shandong's Experience in Financing Cheap Rental Housing in Urban China,Habitat International, 56:1-10, doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.04.003 (SSCI)

3. M. Zhang, & R. Li (2017) The Impact of China’s Economic Restructuring on Southeast Asia: An Investment Perspective,International Journal of China Studies, 8(2): 183-198 (SCOPUS)

4. M. Zhang, R. Li & K. C. Cheong (2017) Southeast Asia and China's Growth Deceleration,International Journal of China Studies, 8(2): 125-138 (SCOPUS)

5. M. Zhang & R. Rasish (2014). Institutional Change and State- owned Enterprises in China's Urban Housing Market,Habitat International,41(0), 58-68. doi: (SSCI)

6. M. Zhang, X. X. Kong & S. Chenayah (2016), The Transformation of Clothing Industry in China,Asia Pacific Business Review, doi: 10.1080/13602381.2014.990204 (SSCI)

7. M. Zhang & R. Rasiah (2015) Globalization, Industrialization and Labour Markets in China,Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 20(1), 14-41 doi: 10.1080/13547860.2014.974314. (SSCI)

8. R. Rasiah, M. Zhang & X. X. Kong (2013) Can China's Miraculous Economic Growth Continue?Journal of Contemporary Asia, 43(2), 295-313. doi: 10.1080/00472336.2012.740940 (SSCI)

9. Q. Y. Wang, M. Zhang & K. C. Cheong (2014), Stakeholder Perspectives of China's Land Consolidation Program: A Case Study of Dongnan Village, Shandong Province,Habitat International, (43) 172-180, doi: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.03.006 (SSCI)

10. X. X. Kong, M. Zhang & S. Chenayah (2016) China's Semiconductor Industry in Global Value Chains,Asia Pacific Business Review, 22(1), 150-164, doi: 10.1080/13602381.2014.990205 (SSCI)

11. R. Rasiah & M. Zhang (2015) Reducing Poverty in Timor-Leste through Stimulating Growth and Structural Change,Institutions and Economies, 7(3), 40-68. (SCOPUS Journal)

12. Y. S. Li, X. X. Kong & M. Zhang (2016) Industrial Upgrading in Global Production Networks: The Case of the Chinese Automotive Industry,Asia Pacific Business Review, 22(1), 21-37, doi: 10.1080/13602381.2014.990203 (SSCI)

13. K. C. Cheong, R. Li, E. C. Tan & M. Zhang (2014) China's State Enterprises, Economic Growth and Distribution: A Revisionist View,China, an International Journal,12(1), 132- 152. (SSCI)

Research Project and Consultation

1. Formulation Of Timor-Leste Green Industrial Development Policy from 2014 to 2018, 2014-2014, United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

2. SME Participation in ASEAN and East Asian Regional Economic Integration, 2014-2014, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

3. Promoting New Forms of Trade between Japan and ASEAN, 2016, Trade and Investment Division (Trade), ASEAN-Japan Centre

4. Global Production Networks and Host-site Industrial Upgrading: Evidence from Car, Clothes and Semiconductor Firms in Southeast Asia and China, 2013-2013, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

5. Provincialization and Localization of State Policy: the Institutions in Urban Housing Market of China, Coordinator, 2014 - 2016, High Impact Research, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MoHE)

6. Institutional Change and Market reforms in Housing Sector in China, Coordinator, 2012 - 2014, High Impact Research, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MoHE)

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