Name:Nie Dening
Research Direction
History of Relations between China and Southeast Asia
History of Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia
Specialty:History of Sino-foreign Relations
Office:Room 305(1), Nan’an Building
UNIVERSITY: Department of History, Xiamen University, P. R. China
DEGREE CONFERRED & DATE: B.A. Degree, May 16, 1982.
UNIVERSITY: Nanyang (Southeast Asia) Research Institute, Xiamen University, P. R. China
DEGREE CONFERRED & DATE: M. A. Degree, June 25, 1985.
UNIVERSITY: Nanyang (Southeast Asia) Research Institute, Xiamen University, P. R. China
DEGREE CONFERRED & DATE: Doctorate Degree of History, Feb. 10, 1990.
Academic Employments
Domestic Working Experience
Sept. 2007~ present, Professor of School of International Relations / Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University, P. R. China.
Dec. 2001~ present, Professor of Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University, P. R. China.
Jan. 1993 ~ Dec. 2001, Associate Professor of Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University, P. R. China.
Feb. 1990 ~ Dec. 1992, Lecturer, Nanyang (Southeast Asia) Research Institute, Xiamen University, P. R. China.
Jul. 1985 ~ Feb.1986, Assistant, Nanyang (Southeast Asia) Research Institute of Xiamen University, Xiamen University, P. R. China.
Foreign Working Experience
(1) Dec. 2012~May. 2013, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, Japan.
(2) Jun. 2007~Aug. 2007, Cooperative research, History Department, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
(3) May 2005~Jul. 2005, Cooperative research, History Department, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
(4) Feb. 1995~Feb.1996, Visiting Scholar, Center for Asian Studies Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam; History Department, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
Undergraduate Course
Introduction to the Relationship between China and Southeast Asia
Graduate course
Theory History and Methodology for the History of Sino-foreign Relations (M.A. Course)
Selected readings in masterpieces for history of Sino-foreign relations (Ph.D. Course)
Research Projects
1. Dec.1991, Economic relations between modern China and Southeast Asia, National Social Science Foundation Youth Project
2. Oct. 1996, The economic and trade exchanges between China and southeast Asia in modern times, State education commission social science planning project
3. Dec. 2002, The history, current situation and trends of economic and trading relations between China and southeast Asia under globalization,The key institute of humanities and social sciences of the ministry of education,Major project
4. Aug. 2003, Study on archival and historical document of Chinese in Indonesia, National social science foundation general project
5. Nov. 2007, Study on the diplomatic relations between China and Southeast Asian countries, The key institute of humanities and social sciences of the ministry of education,Major project
6. Aug. 2014, Research on the inheritance and development of the culture of Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia, The key institute of humanities and social sciences of the ministry of education,Major project
7. Aug. 2015, Studies on Overseas Chinese of Fujian during the period of Republic of China, Fujian Province social science planning major project
Main Books (Since 2000)
1. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia, vol.15, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2017.(Co- collated & annotated)
2. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia, vol.14, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2016.(Co- collated & annotated)
3. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia, vol.13, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2014.(Co- collated & annotated)
4. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia, vol.12, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2013.(Co- collated & annotated)
5. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia, vol.11, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2012.(Co- collated & annotated)
6. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia, vol.10, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2011.(Co- collated & annotated)
7. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia, vol.9, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2010.(Co- collated & annotated)
8. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia) vol.8, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2009.(Co- collated & annotated)
9. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia) vol.7, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2007.(Chief collated & annotated)
10. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia) vol.6, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2006.(Co- collated & annotated)
11. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia) vol.5, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2005.(Co- collated & annotated)
12. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia) vol.4, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2005.(Co- collated & annotated)
13. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council in Batavia) vol.3, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2004.(Co- collated & annotated)
14. Leonard Blussé & Nie Dening, The Chinese Annals of Batavia, The Kai Ba Lidai Shiji and Other Stories, Leiden, Brill, 2018.
15. Measuring the star and crossing the ocean: Fujian and Southeast Asia, Fuzhou: Fujian Education Press, 2018. (co-authors, the first author)
16. Past, present and Future of the Economic Relations between China and Southeast Asian Countries under the globalization, Xiamen University Press, Xiamen 2006. (co-authors, the first author)
17. Study on Economic Ties between China and Southeast Asian Countries during Modern times), Xiamen University Press, Xiamen 2001.
18.The Pirate Traders from the late Ming to the Early Qing Periods, Taipei: Xuelin Press Ltd., 2000.
Main Articles
1. “The Study of History of Maritime Exchanges between China and Southeast Asia in the Last Four Decades”, Journal of Maritime History Studies, No. 4, 2019, Quanzhou: 2019.
2. “The Major Festivals of the Chinese in Batavia during the Dutch Colonial period: An Analysis Based on the Chinese Archives in Batavia”, Southeast Asian Studies, No. 4, 2015, Xiamen Univ. 2015.
3. “Overview on the International Symposium on Maritime East Asia in the Light of History, 16th - 18th Centuries”, World History, No.3, 2014, Beijing: Jun. 2014.
4. “The Chinese Cultural Tradition and Change in Batavia during the Period of Dutch East Indies: Focus on the Judicial Administrative Function of Chinese Council in Batavia”, Southeast Asian Studies, No.2, 2013, Guangzhou: 2013.
5. “Crisis and opportunities: Chinese junk trade with Southeast Asia from the end of the 18th century to the early of the 19th century”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.3, 2013, Xiamen Univ. 2013.
6. “Progress and Prospects of Sino-Malaysia Bilateral Trade since the Full Implementation of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.4, 2011, Xiamen Univ. 2011.
7. “The Challenges and Chances of Trade between China and Malaysia under the Global Financial Crisis”, Around Southeast Asia, No.12, 2009, Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences, 2009.
8. “Conflict and Congruity: the Utilization of law on Inheritance for Chinese in Batavia during the 19th Century”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.4, 2009, Xiamen Univ. 2009.
9. “Economic Ties between China and Brunei: Progress & Perspective”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.4, 2008,Xiamen Univ. 2008.
10. “Historical Review on the Trade between China and Brunei”, Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History, No. 2, 2008,Xiamen Univ. 2008.
11. “The Position and Function of Overseas Chinese in Malay in Sino-Malaya Trade Relations before the World War Two”, Southeast Asian Studies, No.5,2007,Guangzhou: Jinan Univ. 2007.
12. “Archives of the Chinese Council in Batavia and the present state of Research”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.4, 2006, Xiamen Univ. 2006.
13. “Rise and fall of the multilateral trading ties between China, Ryukyu and Southeast Asian Countries during the early period of Ming Dynasty”, Papers Collection of the 9th symposium on Historical Relations between China and Ryukyu, Beijing, 2005.
14. “Case Study on the Relations between Chinese and Local People in Batavia from the end of 18th Century to the early of 19th century”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.2, 2005, Xiamen Univ. 2005.
15. “Brief Narration on Minutes or Gong-an-bu of the Chinese Council in Batavia”, Overseas Chinese History Studies, No.59, Beijing, Autumn 2002.
16. “On the Folk Religion of the Early Chinese Community in Singapore and Malaya”, The Journal of Xiamen University, No.2 (2001), Xiamen, Published in April 2001.
17. “Notes on Bin-lan-yu-zhi-lue (A Sketch on Penang) and Historical sources on Overseas Community in Penang”, Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies), No.3, 2000, Beijing, Autumn 2000.
18. “Study on Merchandise of Quanzhou Port in the Yuan Dynasty”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.3, 2000, Xiamen Univ., 2000.
19. “The Archives of the Chinese Council in Batavia”, Historical Archives, N0.3, Beijing, 2000.
20. "The Development and Evolution of Trade Relations between China and Malaysia during the Post War II", Southeast Asian Affairs, No.4, 1999, Xiamen Univ. 1999.
21. “On the Signing and its Consequences of ‘Pangkor Engagement’”, The Journal of Xiamen University, No.2, 1999, Xiamen: 1999.
22. “Changes in the Trading ties between China and Malaya, Prewar to Postwar”, in Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,Vol. LXXII, Part 1, 1999. (in English)
23. “Trade Contacts between China and Burma”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No. 4, 1998, Xiamen Univ., 1998.
24. “The Position and Role of Overseas Chinese among the Trading Ties between China and Southeast Asian Countries in Modern Times”, Ethnic Chinese at the Turn of the Century, Fuzhou: Fujian Peoples' Press, Fuzhou, 1998.
25. “Modern Trade Intercourse between China and the Philippines”, Journal of Maritime History Studies, No.2, 1998, Quanzhou, 1998.
26. “Qingjiao Tzu Chi Palace and the Overseas Chinese”, Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies, No. 2, 1998, Beijing: Summer 1998.
27. “A Study on the Early Trade between China and Singapore”, Modern Chinese History Studies, No.1, 1997, Beijing, 1997.
28. “Chinese Merchants and Their Maritime Activities under the Ban on Maritime Trade in Ming Dynasty”, in Journal of Ming Qing Studies, Napoli-Roma, 1997.(in English)
29. “Modern Trade Relation between China and British Malaya”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.4, Xiamen Univ., 1996.
30. “Trade Contacts between China and Siam in Modern Times”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No. 1, Xiamen Univ., 1996.
31. “The Nongovernmental Maritime Trade at Port Nan’ao during the Ming and Qing Dynasties”, Chaozhou-Shantou Culture Research,Vol.3, Shantou University Press, 1995.
32. “Modern Trade Relation between China and the Dutch East India”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No. l.1995, Xiamen Univ. 1995.
33. “The Commercial Relationship between Chinese Junks and Dutch East India Company (VOC) during the Late Ming and Early Qing Periods”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.3.1994, Xiamen Univ. 1994.
34. “A Textual Research on ‘Ba Guo Yuan Zhu Bei Ji’”, Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies, No.27, 1994. Beijing, Autumn 1994.
35. “Foreign Trade in Macao from the Late Ming to the Early Qing Periods”, The Journal of Xiamen University, No.3, 1994, Xiamen, Autumn 1994(No.119).
36. “An overview of the economic and trade relations between China and Singapore in modern times”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.1, Xiamen Univ. Spring 1994.
37. “The Belief of Bao-sheng-da-di of the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.3, Xiamen Univ. Summer 1993.
38. “Maritime Trade of Zheng Chenggong and Zheng’s Family Group”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.2, Xiamen Univ. Summer 1993.
39. “On the Social Nature of the Balangay in Ancient Philippines”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.4, Xiamen Univ. Winter 1992.
40. “The Relationship between Ming Dynasty and Majapahit Empire”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.3, Xiamen Univ. Autumn 1992.
41. “The Pirate Traders from Wanli to Longqing Periods in the Ming Dynasty”, The Journal of Xiamen University, No.2, 1992, Xiamen, Summer 1992.
42. “The Organization and Management of Zheng Group's Maritime Trade in the Late Ming and the Early Qing Dynasties”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.1, Xiamen Univ. Spring 1992.
43. “The Structure of Nongovernment Trade during the Late Ming and the Early Qing Dynasties”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.1, Xiamen Univ. Spring 1991.
44. “Nakhoda in the Jiajing Period of Ming Dynasty”, The Journal of Xiamen University, No.2, 1990, Xiamen, Summer 1990.
45. “The Nature and Character of Pirate Traders before the Periods of Longqing and Wanli in the Ming Dynasty”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.2, 1990, Xiamen Univ. Summer 1990.
46. “Singapore United Overseas Bank(UOB)”,Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies, No.1, 1989, Beijing: Spring 1989.
47. “On the Rise and fall of Huizhou Maritime Merchants in the Middle of the Ming Dynasty”, Historiography Research in Anhui, No.3, 1989, Hefei: June 1989.
48. “The Chinese Bank in Singapore”, Asia-Pacific Economic Review, No.6, 1988, Fuzhou: Dec. 1988.
49. “An Analysis ‘fanshang’ and ‘boshang’ in Zhu Fan Zhi”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.4, 1987, Xiamen Univ. Winter 1987.
50. “On the Evolution from Government to Nongovernment Trade between China and Japan during the Ming Dynasty”, Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History, No. 2, 1987, Xiamen Univ. Summer 1987.
Book Reviews
1. “Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga) through the Eyes of Western Scholar”, Journal of Chinese Historical Studies, No. 4, 1998, Beijing: 1998.
2.“The New Exploration to Maritime Trade and Chinese Business Network during Ming And Qing Dynasties”, Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History, No.3, 2000, Xiamen Univ. 2000.
3.“Evolution and development of the Relations between Overseas Chinese and China”, Overseas Chinese History Studies, No. 1, 2002, Beijing: 2002.
4.“Review on Batavia Chinese and Trade of Sino-Dutch, written by L. Blussè”, Sinology abroad, vol. 7, Zhengzhou: 2002.
5.“True reproduction on the Social Historic features of Chinese Community in Batavia”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No. 4, 2003, Xiamen Univ., 2003.
6.“Comprehensive study of all-round on Overseas Chinese community in Japan in the contemporary era”, Southeast Asian Affairs, No. 2, 2004, Xiamen Univ., 2004.
7. “The Overseas Chinese in Europe:to bridge the communication between China and Europe, review on History of Overseas Chinese in Europe, written by Li Minghuan”, Journal of Maritime History Studies, No.1, 2005, Maritime Museum, Quanzhou: 2005.
8. “Review on the changes of Ethnic Chinese social status in southeast Asia post World War Two”, World Ethno-National Studies, No.5, 2005, Beijing: 2005.
9.“Commentary on the formation and development of Chinese society in East Asia: Chinese business networks, migration and integration trends, written by Zhuang Guotu”, World History, No. 6, 2010, Beijing: 2010.
Awards and Honors
Oct. 2003, The third prize of the fifth social science outstanding achievement, Xiamen Municipal Government.
Nov. 2003, The third prize of the fifth social science outstanding achievement, Fujian Municipal Government.