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  Professor Wang Qin    Hot     ★★★ 【字体:
Professor Wang Qin
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WANG Qinreceived his PhD from Xiamen University, China. He is currently Professor of Economics, Xiamen University,Adjunct Professor at the Institute of APEC Studies, Nankai University. He teachesinternational economy, theeconomiesofSoutheast Asia,world economy andChina. His main research interests are in theeconomiesofSoutheast Asia,regionaleconomicintegrationin East Asia,China-ASEANeconomicrelationsandSingapore’sEconomicDevelopment.

Professor Wang publishes widely and currently has more than 200Journal articles, monographs and books under his name. His bookPublications, includeBrue Book of Southeast Asia: Annual Report on the Development of Southeast Asia 2012-2019,Study of International Competitiveness of ASEAN(2007),New Patterns ofSino-ASEAN Economic Relations.(2003)andStudyof the Economic Development in Singapore(1995).

Major Publications


1. Brue Book of Southeast Asia: Annual Report on the Development of Southeast Asia 2018-2019(2020),Social Sciences Academic Press.

2. Brue Book of Southeast Asia: Annual Report on the Development of Southeast Asia 2017-2018(2018),Social Sciences Academic Press.

3. Brue Book of Southeast Asia: Annual Report on the Development of Southeast Asia 2016-2017(2017),Social Sciences Academic Press.

4. Brue Book of Southeast Asia: Annual Report on the Development of Southeast Asia 2015-2016(2014),Social Sciences Academic Press.

5. Brue Book of Southeast Asia: Annual Report on the Development of Southeast Asia 2014-2015(2014),Social Sciences Academic Press.

6. Brue Book of Southeast Asia: Annual Report on the Development of Southeast Asia 2013-2014(2014),Social Sciences Academic Press.

7.Brue Book of Southeast Asia: Annual Report on the Development of Southeast Asia 2012(2012),Social Sciences Academic Press.

8.Study of International Competitiveness of ASEAN.ChinaEconomic Publishing House, 2007.

9.New Patterns ofSino-ASEAN Economic Relations. Xiamen University Press, 2003.

10.Studyof the Economic Development in Singapore.XiamenUniversityPress, 1995.

11.Studyof theSoutheast Asian Chinese Enterprise Groups.XiamenUniversityPress, 1995.

12.New Patterns ofAsia-Pacific Economy.Guangxi PeoplePress, 1992.


1.A StudyofASEAN-5 Export Competitiveness.Journal of International Trade,No.4,2007.A Journal of theUniversityof International Business and Economics, Beijing,China.

2. Economic Globalization and Economic Development inSoutheast Asia.Journal of Xiamen University,No.2, 2007.A Journal ofXiamenUniversity, Xiamen,China.

3. DevelopmentofASEANRegional Economic Integrationand BilateralRelationsof Its Members,ContemporaryAsia-PacificStudies, No.11,2006.A Journal of the Institute of Asia-PacificStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing,China.

4. On theRegional Economic Integrationin ASEAN,Journal of Xiamen University,No.5, 2005.A Journal ofXiamen University, Xiamen, China.

5. A Review of the Theory of GlobalCompetitiveness and Evaluation System.Social Sciences Abroad,No.6, 2006.A Journal of the Centre for Documentation & Information, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.

6. AsianRegional Economic Integrationand China,International Studies, No.4,2005.A Journal of the China Institute of International Studies, Beijing, China.

7.SingaporeEconomy: Fluctuation and Reorganization,ContemporaryAsia-PacificStudies, No.4,2004.A Journal of the Institute of Asia-PacificStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.

8. Progress and Prospect of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area,Journal of Xiamen University,No.1, 2004.A Journal ofXiamen University, Xiamen, China.

9. Taiwan’s Direct Investment inSoutheast Asia.ContemporaryAsia-PacificStudies, No.4,2003.A Journal of the Institute of Asia-PacificStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing,China.

10. China’s Accession to WTO: Influence upon Its Trade andEconomicRelationswith Singapore.ContemporaryAsia-PacificStudies, No.9, 2002. A Journal of the Institute of Asia-PacificStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing,China.

11. On the Economic Fluctuations in Southeast Asia,Journal of Xiamen University,No.1, 2004.A Journal ofXiamen University, Xiamen, China.

12.EconomicRestructuring and Its Future in ASEAN,ContemporaryAsia-PacificStudies, No.4,2002.A Journal of the Institute of Asia-PacificStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.

13. Reorganization of Southeast Asian Chinese Enterprise Groups and Its Prospects,ContemporaryAsia-PacificStudies, No.2,2001.A Journal of the Institute of Asia-PacificStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.

14. Taiwan Readjusting Ist Southeast Asian Business Strategy and Possible Outcomes,Journal of International Trade,No.12,1998.A Journal of theUniversity of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China.

15. The Currency Crisis in Southeast Asia and Ist Effects,Journal of International Trade,No.1,1998.A Journal of theUniversity of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China.

16. An Inquiry into the Causes of the Financial Turmoil in Southeast Asian Countries,World Economy, No.11, 1997.A Journal of the Institute of World Economics and PoliticsStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.

17. Features of Singapore’s Social Security System,World Economics and Politics,No.10, 1995.A Journal of the Institute of World Economics and PoliticsStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.

18. Rapid Rise of Overseas Chinese Enterprise GroupsinSoutheast Asia.World Economy, No.10, 1995.A Journal of the Institute of World Economics and PoliticsStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.

19. Japan’s Direct Investment in ASEAN and Its Influence,ContemporaryAsia-PacificStudies, No.3,1995.A Journal of the Institute of Asia-PacificStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China.

20. Multinational Corporations and Singapore’s Economic Development,Journal of International Trade,No.11,1993.A Journal of theUniversity of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China.

21. TheNew Characteristics of the Direct International Investment inAsia-PacificRegion.Economics Information, No.8,1992.A Journal of the Institute of EconomicsStudies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing,China.


ResearchSchoolof Southeast Asian Studies,

XiamenUniversity Xiamen,China361005

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