Name:Guangjiang Bao
Title:Associate Professor
Research Direction:International Relations Theory, ASEAN, Trust in International Relations
Specialty:International Relations
Office:Room 206, Nan’an Building, Xiamen University
Ph.D. Fudan University,2015,International Relations
M.A., Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, 2010, International Relations
B.A. Yunnan Normal University, 2007, International Relations
Working Experience
u Assistant Professor, School of International Relations, Xiamen University. 2017--
u Visiting Scholar, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015-2016.
u Assistant Research Fellow, Southeast Asian Institute, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences. 2010-2017.
u Selected Readings of the originals in International Relations
u Academic Writing
u Value-Oriented Diplomacy on the Impact of China -GMS Countries’ Trust Relationship, Approval Number:13CGJ013.
u The Study on Cooperation-based "Belt and Road" initiative, Approval Number: FJ2019B011.
u The Study on the Construction of Trust Network between China and ASEAN Countries, Approval Number:2072DLBLD19.
u The Study on International Security Cooperation Mechanism of Mekong River, Approval Number: JCZX201214.
u "The Logic of Trust Building and losing between East Asian countries: The Perspective of Ontology Security," Contemporary Asia Pacific, No. 1, 2015, pp. 38-62.
u “Power Transition and Trust-building between China and the U.S.” Contemporary Asia Pacific, No. 5, 2019, pp. 38-62.
u "The Vietnamese Nuclear Energy Development Strategy and Its Impact on International Relations", Southeast Asian Studies, No.2, 2013, pp. 54-61.
u "The Role of Trust in the Mekong River Security Cooperation and China's Strategic Choice", Asia-Africa, No. 3, 2004, pp. 34-44.
u “Four-layer Value System in the Belt and Road Initiative: from the Perspective of Confucianism”, Southeast Academic Research, No.3,2019, pp.23-40.
u "New Pattern of Economic Development of Vietnam", Socialist Forum, No.6, 2015.
u "Overview of the Development Situation in South-East Asia", South and Southeast Asian Studies, No. 1, 2013, pp. 8-18.
u " Japan’ Value-Oriented Diplomacy and Its Impact on the Loss of Trust in China of Southeast Asian Countries", China and the World, 4th ed., December 2016, pp. 86-96.
u "The Study on the International Cooperation Mechanism of Maintaining Malacca Strait Security", International Relations Research, 3rd ed., June 2009. Pp. 47-61.
u "China-Myanmar Relations in the View of Asymmetric Structure and Ontological Security: Dependence and Deviation", Southeast Asian Studies, Np.3, 2015, pp. 37-43.