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  Associate Professor Wang Fu-bing    Hot     ★★★ 【字体:
Associate Professor Wang Fu-bing
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Curriculum Vitae

Name: FubingWang


Address:Nan’anBuilding, Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, P.R.C.(PostCode:361005)


1991-1995: B.A. in History at Fujian Normal University

1995-1998: M.A. in History at Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

2004-2011: Ph.D. in History at Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

Work Experience:

Aug.1998-Nov.2000: Assistant, Graduate Secretary

Dec.2000-Oct.2003: Graduate Secretary

Dec.2000-July2012:Lecturer,Assistant Professor

Aug.2012----Present: Associate Professor

May 2016-May 2017: Research Associate in Institute of China Studies of University of Malaya, Malaysia

Language Proficiency:

English (Gaining the Certificate for Government-Sponsored Scholars Going to Study Abroad in Jan. 2015); Malay, Hakka, Hokkien

Research Experience:

Visiting Research Scholar, July-August, 2004, United Chinese School Committees of Selangor & Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Visiting Research Scholar December, 2005-January, 2006, United Chinese School Committees of Malaysia

Visiting Research Scholar, July-August, 2007, Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore

Since1997,Taking part in the field survey of Fujian Qiaoxiang such as Jinjiang, Fuqing, Changle, Lianjiang, Mawei, Mingxi, Putian, etc.

Visiting Research Scholar, July-August, 2012, United Chinese School Committees of Malaysia

Member of China Society for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen, 1998-present

Member of Chinese Society for Historians of China's foreign Relations, Beijing, 1999-present

Member of the Council for the Overseas Chinese History Society of China, Beijing, 2016- present

Member of the Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, Kuala Lumpur, 2016-present

Fields of Specialization:

History of Chinese Overseas

Studies of Singapore and Malaysia

Social Changes of Fujian Qiaoxiang

History of China and Southeast Asia

Recent Research Interests:

1.Studies of new migrants in Lianjiang, Fujian (Funded by All-China Federation of Returned Overseas in Feburary 2020. Research Project, 2019-2021. Principal Investigator)

2.The Social Structure of Fujianese in Malaysia and Singapore, 1912-1978 (Funded by the Social Science Foundation of Fujian Province in October 2015, Research Project , 2015-2017.Principal Investigator)

Courses being Taught:.

History of Southeast Asian Chinese (Undergraduate Degree Course)

Studies of Qiaoxiang (Graduate Degree Course)

An Introduction to the Chinese Frontier(Undergraduate Degree Course)

The Spirit of Tan Kah Kee and history of Chinese Overseas ( Course for the sutdents in Xiamen University who get the fund of Tan Kah Kee Education Foundation in Xiamen )

History of Western Political Thought (Undergraduate Degree Course)

Others (Awards):

(1) The project Comparative Study of Overseas Chinese across the Taiwan Strait which I took part in was awarded the first prize in 2006 .I was the fourth achievement adult.

(2) I was awarded an outstanding Communist Party member in 2016 by the Xiamen University Party Committee for 2014-2016

(3) I was awarded an outstanding teacher during University Students' Summer Social Practice by the Fujian Provincial Department of Education Work Committee in 2015.

(4) I was awarded an outstanding teacher during University Students' Summer Social Practice by Xiamen University in 2012, 2013 and 2014.

(5) I was awarded the third prize of Fujian Province Teaching Achievement Prize in 2005. I was the third achievement adult. The name of the teaching achievement was To Promote the Quality of the innovation of Graduate Education through Fieldwork.

(6) I was awarded the third prize of Xiamen University Teaching Achievement Prize in 2004. I was the third achievement adult. The name of the teaching achievement was To Promote the Quality of the innovation of Graduate Education through Fieldwork.

(7)During fighting against 9914 Typhoon, I was awarded the outstanding people in Xiamen University by Chinese Communist Party Committee of Xiamen University.

Main Publications:


1.Chinese Dialect Group Distribution and Occupational Structure in Malaya, 1800-1911, Kunming:YunnanArtPress,2012.

2.The Social Changes of Qiaoxiang in Fujian, Changsha: Hunan People’s Press, 2002.

Research Report:

1. Comparative Study of Economic Development of Old and New Qiaoxiang in Fujian, finished in Sep. 2013.

2. The Analysis of Categories, Emigrating Methods & Channels, and Characteristics of New Emigrants from Fujian, finished in Nov. 2014.

3. Social Structure of Fujianese in Singapore and Malaysia between 1912 and 1978, finished in Nov. 2017.

4. Malaysian Government’s Policy towards Ethnic Chinese in Malaysian, finished in Nov. 2019.


1. The Distribution of Fujianese in Malaysia and Singapore between 1912-1978, inOverseas Chinese Journa lof Bagui, 2019, No.4, Nanning.

2. Studies in the Problem of New Emigrants from Coastal Areas of Fuzhou, in Journal of Minjiang University, Vol.55, No. 3,2016, pp.1-14.

3.Chinese Occupational Structure in Singapore, 1819-1911, in Southeast Asian Affairs, 2012, No. 4, Xiamen.

4.Hokkien’s Migration to the Straits Settlements during 1644-1911, in Southeast Asian Affairs, 2009, No.3, Xiamen.

5.Chinese Emigration to Malaysia since Mid-1980’s, in Southeast Asian Affairs, 2004, No.4, Xiamen

6.Studies in the Problem of New Emigrants from Fujian, in Southeast Asian Affairs, 2002, No.4, Xiamen.

7.Changing Identities of Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia since World War II, in Southeast Asian Affairs, 2001, No.4, Xiamen.(This Paper is wholly translated by Corean Cholar Song Chengxi in his edited book about The Chinese in Southeast Asia in 2014)

8.The Amount Estimation of Remittance from Overseas Chinesein Qing Dynasty and its Social Impact,inWorldEthno-NationalStudies,2008,No.3,Beijing.(This Paper is wholly cited in Chinese Modern History<Chinese people's university's xeroxed materials>, No.9 2008. )

9.The Policy towards Overseas and Ethnic Chinese by the Indonesian Soekarno Government and its Impacts, in World Ethno-NationalStudies,2006,No.1, Beijing.

10.Donation from the Chinese Overseas towards Fuqing since 1979 and its Importance, in Overseas Chinese History Studies, 2000, No.3, Beijing.

11.The Value of Remittance Letters, in Around Southeast Asia ,2013, No.7, Nanning.

12.Overseas Remittance of Fujian Province since the Reformation and Opening of China, in Overseas Chinese Journa lof Bagui, 2002, No.3, Nanning.

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